import { init } from './context'; it('ignores the autocompletion results if Escape was pressed', async () => { const ctx = await init(); await Promise.all([ctx.setInput('mar'), ctx.keyDown('Escape')]); // The input must be empty because the user typed `mar` and pressed `Escape` right after that ctx.expectUi().toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "input": "mar<>", "suggestions": [], } `); // First request for the local autocomplete index. expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await ctx.setInput('mar'); ctx.expectUi().toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "input": "mar<>", "suggestions": [ "marvelous → beautiful 30", "mare 20", "market 10", ], } `); // Second request for the server-side suggestions. expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); });