h1 Account Settings p ' Looking for your content settings? a<> href="/settings/edit" Click here! p ' Looking for two factor authentication? = link "Click here!", to: ~p"/registrations/totp/edit" p ' Looking to change your avatar? = link "Click here!", to: ~p"/avatar/edit" = if can?(@conn, :change_username, @current_user) do p ' Looking to change your username? = link "Click here!", to: ~p"/registrations/name/edit" h3 API Key p ' Your API key is #api-key-button> code> = link("Click to show", to: "#", data: [click_show: "#api-key", click_hide: "#api-key-button"]) #api-key.hidden> code> = @current_user.authentication_token p You can use this to allow API consumers to access your account. p ' Avoid sharing this key with others, as it could be used to compromise ' your account. h3 Change email = form_for @email_changeset, ~p"/registrations/email", [method: :post], fn f -> = if @email_changeset.action do .alert.alert-danger p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below. .field = email_input f, :email, class: "input", placeholder: "Email", required: true, pattern: ~S/[^\s]+@[^\s]+\.[^\s]+/ = error_tag f, :email .field = password_input f, :current_password, class: "input", required: true, name: "current_password", placeholder: "Current password" = error_tag f, :current_password div = submit "Change email", class: "button" h3 Change password = form_for @password_changeset, ~p"/registrations/password", fn f -> = if @password_changeset.action do .alert.alert-danger p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below. .field = password_input f, :password, class: "input", placeholder: "New password", minlength: 12 = error_tag f, :password .field = password_input f, :password_confirmation, class: "input", placeholder: "Confirm new password", minlength: 12 = error_tag f, :password_confirmation .field = password_input f, :current_password, name: "current_password", class: "input", placeholder: "Current password" = error_tag f, :current_password = submit "Change password", class: "button" h3 Deactivate Account p ' Navigate to the account deactivation page. = button_to "Deactivate account", ~p"/deactivations", class: "button"