defmodule Philomena.Reports do @moduledoc """ The Reports context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Philomena.Repo alias PhilomenaQuery.Search alias Philomena.Reports.Report alias Philomena.Reports.SearchIndex, as: ReportIndex alias Philomena.IndexWorker alias Philomena.Polymorphic @doc """ Returns the current number of open reports. If the user is allowed to view reports, returns the current count. If the user is not allowed to view reports, returns `nil`. ## Examples iex> count_reports(%User{}) nil iex> count_reports(%User{role: "admin"}) 4 """ def count_open_reports(user) do if Canada.Can.can?(user, :index, Report) do Report |> where(open: true) |> Repo.aggregate(:count) else nil end end @doc """ Returns the list of reports. ## Examples iex> list_reports() [%Report{}, ...] """ def list_reports do Repo.all(Report) end @doc """ Gets a single report. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Report does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_report!(123) %Report{} iex> get_report!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_report!(id), do: Repo.get!(Report, id) @doc """ Creates a report. ## Examples iex> create_report(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Report{}} iex> create_report(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_report({reportable_type, reportable_id} = _type_and_id, attribution, attrs \\ %{}) do %Report{reportable_type: reportable_type, reportable_id: reportable_id} |> Report.creation_changeset(attrs, attribution) |> Repo.insert() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Returns an `m:Ecto.Query` which updates all reports for the given `reportable_type` and `reportable_id` to close them. Because this is only a query due to the limitations of `m:Ecto.Multi`, this must be coupled with an associated call to `reindex_reports/1` to operate correctly, e.g.: report_query = Reports.close_system_report_query({"Image",}, user) |> Multi.update_all(:reports, report_query, []) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, %{reports: {_count, reports}} = result} -> Reports.reindex_reports(reports) {:ok, result} error -> error end ## Examples iex> close_system_report_query("Image", 1, %User{}) #Ecto.Query<...> """ def close_report_query({reportable_type, reportable_id} = _type_and_id, closing_user) do from r in Report, where: r.reportable_type == ^reportable_type and r.reportable_id == ^reportable_id, select:, update: [set: [open: false, state: "closed", admin_id: ^]] end @doc """ Automatically create a report with the given category and reason on the given `reportable_id` and `reportable_type`. ## Examples iex> create_system_report({"Comment", 1}, "Other", "Custom report reason") {:ok, %Report{}} """ def create_system_report({reportable_type, reportable_id} = _type_and_id, category, reason) do attrs = %{ reason: reason, category: category, user_agent: "system" } attribution = %{ system: true, ip: %Postgrex.INET{address: {127, 0, 0, 1}, netmask: 32}, fingerprint: "ffff" } %Report{reportable_type: reportable_type, reportable_id: reportable_id} |> Report.creation_changeset(attrs, attribution) |> Repo.insert() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Updates a report. ## Examples iex> update_report(report, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Report{}} iex> update_report(report, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_report(%Report{} = report, attrs) do report |> Report.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Deletes a Report. ## Examples iex> delete_report(report) {:ok, %Report{}} iex> delete_report(report) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_report(%Report{} = report) do Repo.delete(report) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking report changes. ## Examples iex> change_report(report) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Report{}} """ def change_report(%Report{} = report) do Report.changeset(report, %{}) end @doc """ Marks the report as claimed by the given user. ## Example iex> claim_report(%Report{}, %User{}) {:ok, %Report{}} """ def claim_report(%Report{} = report, user) do report |> Report.claim_changeset(user) |> Repo.update() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Marks the report as unclaimed. ## Example iex> unclaim_report(%Report{}) {:ok, %Report{}} """ def unclaim_report(%Report{} = report) do report |> Report.unclaim_changeset() |> Repo.update() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Marks the report as closed by the given user. ## Example iex> close_report(%Report{}, %User{}) {:ok, %Report{}} """ def close_report(%Report{} = report, user) do report |> Report.close_changeset(user) |> Repo.update() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Reindex all reports where the user or admin has `old_name`. ## Example iex> user_name_reindex("Administrator", "Administrator2") {:ok, %Req.Response{}} """ def user_name_reindex(old_name, new_name) do data = ReportIndex.user_name_update_by_query(old_name, new_name) Search.update_by_query(Report, data.query, data.set_replacements, data.replacements) end defp reindex_after_update({:ok, report}) do reindex_report(report) {:ok, report} end defp reindex_after_update(result) do result end @doc """ Callback for post-transaction update. See `close_report_query/2` for more information and example. """ def reindex_reports(report_ids) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Reports", "id", report_ids]) report_ids end @doc false def reindex_report(%Report{} = report) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Reports", "id", []]) report end @doc false def perform_reindex(column, condition) do Report |> where([r], field(r, ^column) in ^condition) |> preload([:user, :admin]) |> Repo.all() |> Polymorphic.load_polymorphic(reportable: [reportable_id: :reportable_type]) |>, Report)) end end