defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageView do use PhilomenaWeb, :view alias Philomena.Tags.Tag def show_vote_counts?(%{hide_vote_counts: true}), do: false def show_vote_counts?(_user), do: true # this is a bit ridculous def render_intent(_conn, %{thumbnails_generated: false}, _size), do: :not_rendered def render_intent(conn, image, size) do uris = thumb_urls(image, false) vid? = image.image_mime_type == "video/webm" gif? = image.image_mime_type == "image/gif" tags = Tag.display_order(image.tags) |> Enum.map_join(", ", & & alt = "Size: #{image.image_width}x#{image.image_height} | Tagged: #{tags}" hidpi? = conn.cookies["hidpi"] == "true" webm? = conn.cookies["webm"] == "true" use_gif? = vid? and not webm? and size in ~W(thumb thumb_small thumb_tiny)a cond do hidpi? and not (gif? or vid?) -> {:hidpi, uris[size], uris[:medium], alt} not vid? or use_gif? -> {:image, String.replace(uris[size], ".webm", ".gif"), alt} true -> {:video, uris[size], String.replace(uris[size], ".webm", ".mp4"), alt} end end def thumb_urls(image, show_hidden) do %{ thumb_tiny: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :thumb_tiny), thumb_small: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :thumb_small), thumb: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :thumb), small: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :small), medium: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :medium), large: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :large), tall: thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :tall), full: pretty_url(image, true, false) } |> append_gif_urls(image, show_hidden) end defp append_gif_urls(urls, %{image_mime_type: "image/gif"} = image, show_hidden) do full_url = thumb_url(image, show_hidden, :full) Map.merge( urls, %{ webm: String.replace(full_url, ".gif", ".webm"), mp4: String.replace(full_url, ".gif", ".mp4") } ) end defp append_gif_urls(urls, _image, _show_hidden), do: urls def thumb_url(image, show_hidden, name) do %{year: year, month: month, day: day} = image.created_at deleted = image.hidden_from_users root = image_url_root() format = image.image_format |> String.downcase() |> thumb_format() id_fragment = if deleted and show_hidden do "#{}-#{image.hidden_image_key}" else "#{}" end "#{root}/#{year}/#{month}/#{day}/#{id_fragment}/#{name}.#{format}" end def pretty_url(image, short, download) do %{year: year, month: month, day: day} = image.created_at root = image_url_root() view = if download, do: "download", else: "view" filename = if short, do:, else: image.file_name_cache format = image.image_format |> String.downcase() |> thumb_format() "#{root}/#{view}/#{year}/#{month}/#{day}/#{filename}.#{format}" end def image_url_root do Application.get_env(:philomena, :image_url_root) end def image_container_data(image, size) do [ image_id:, image_tags: Jason.encode!(, & &, image_tag_aliases: image.tag_list_plus_alias_cache, score: image.score, faves: image.faves_count, upvotes: image.upvotes_count, downvotes: image.downvotes_count, comment_count: image.comments_count, created_at: NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601(image.created_at), source_url: image.source_url, uris: Jason.encode!(thumb_urls(image, false)), width: image.image_width, height: image.image_height, aspect_ratio: image.image_aspect_ratio, size: size ] end def image_container(image, size, block) do content_tag(:div, block.(), class: "image-container #{size}", data: image_container_data(image, size)) end def display_order(tags) do Tag.display_order(tags) end def scope(conn), do: Philomena.ImageScope.scope(conn) def anonymous_by_default?(conn) do conn.assigns.current_user.anonymous_by_default end defp thumb_format("svg"), do: "png" defp thumb_format(format), do: format end