defmodule Mix.Tasks.ConvertToHeex do @moduledoc """ Converts all slime files in the repository to HEEx. This file is substantially based on Slime's compiler, which can be found here: """ use Mix.Task alias Slime.Parser.Nodes.{ DoctypeNode, EExNode, EExCommentNode, HTMLCommentNode, HTMLNode, InlineHTMLNode, VerbatimTextNode } alias Slime.Doctype @void_elements ~w( area br col doctype embed hr img input link meta base param keygen source menuitem track wbr ) @indent " " def run(_) do Path.wildcard("lib/**/*.html.slime") |> Enum.sort() |> Enum.each(&format_file/1) :ok end defp format_file(filename) do formatted_content = filename |>!() |> format_string() heex_filename = String.replace(filename, ".html.slime", ".html.heex") File.write!(heex_filename, [formatted_content]) File.rm!(filename) end defp format_string(source) do tree = Slime.Parser.parse(source) compile(tree, "") end defp compile(tags, indent) when is_list(tags) do, &compile(&1, indent)) end defp compile(%DoctypeNode{name: name}, indent), do: [indent, Doctype.for(name), "\n"] defp compile(%VerbatimTextNode{content: content}, indent) do [indent, String.trim(IO.iodata_to_binary(content)), "\n"] end defp compile(%HTMLNode{name: name} = tag, indent) do attrs =, &render_attribute/1) tag_head = Enum.join([name | attrs]) body = cond do tag.closed -> ["<", tag_head, "/>\n"] name in @void_elements -> ["<", tag_head, " />\n"] true -> children = compile(tag.children, indent <> @indent) inner = if(tag.children == [], do: [], else: ["\n", children, indent]) [ "<", tag_head, ">", inner, "\n" ] end [indent, body] end defp compile(%EExNode{content: code, output: output, safe?: safe?} = eex, indent) do if safe? do raise "== operator used to include safe content in template; mark as raw in view instead" end tag_indent = if(String.trim(code) == "else", do: unindent(indent), else: indent) code = reformat_code(code, eex.children) opening = [ if(output, do: "<%= ", else: "<% "), convert_multiline(code, tag_indent <> @indent), "%>\n" ] closing = if Regex.match?(~r/(fn.*->| do)\s*$/, code) do [indent, "<% end %>\n"] else "" end [tag_indent, opening, compile(eex.children, tag_indent <> @indent), closing] end defp compile(%InlineHTMLNode{}, _indent) do raise "Inline HTML not supported" end defp compile(%HTMLCommentNode{content: content}, indent) do [indent, "\n"] end defp compile(%EExCommentNode{content: content}, indent) do content |> raw() |> IO.iodata_to_binary() |> String.split("\n") |>[indent, "<% # ", &1, " %>\n"]) end defp compile({:eex, eex}, indent), do: [indent, "<%= ", eex, " %>"] defp compile({:safe_eex, _eex}, _indent), do: raise("Safe EEx not supported") defp compile(raw, indent), do: [indent, raw] defp render_attribute({name, {safe_eex, content}}) do if safe_eex != :eex do raise "Unsupported attribute type '#{safe_eex}'" end case content do "true" -> " #{name}" "false" -> "" "nil" -> "" _ -> quoted_content = Code.string_to_quoted!(content) render_attribute_code(name, content, quoted_content) end end defp render_attribute({name, value}) do if value == true do " #{name}" else value = cond do is_binary(value) -> value is_list(value) -> Enum.join(value, " ") true -> value end ~s( #{name}="#{value}") end end defp render_attribute_code(name, _content, quoted) when is_number(quoted) or is_atom(quoted) do ~s[ #{name}="#{quoted}"] end defp render_attribute_code(name, _content, quoted) when is_list(quoted) do quoted |> Enum.map_join(" ", &Kernel.to_string/1) |> (&~s[ #{name}="#{&1}"]).() end defp render_attribute_code(name, _content, quoted) when is_binary(quoted), do: ~s[ #{name}="#{quoted}"] # String with interpolation defp render_attribute_code( name, _content, {:<<>>, _, [{:"::", _, [{{:., _, [Kernel, :to_string]}, _, [line]}, _]}]} ) do ~s[ #{name}={#{Macro.to_string(line)}}] end defp render_attribute_code(name, content, _) do ~s[ #{name}={#{content}}] end defp raw(value) when is_list(value) do, &raw/1) end defp raw({:eex, value}), do: "\#{" <> value <> "}" defp raw(value), do: value defp convert_multiline(code, indent) do case String.split(code, "\n") do [_line] -> [code, " "] lines -> lines =, fn line -> if String.trim(line) == "" do ["\n"] else [indent, line, "\n"] end end) ["\n", lines, unindent(indent)] end end defp unindent(indent), do: String.slice(indent, 0..-3//1) defp reformat_code(code, []) do case Code.string_to_quoted(code) do {:ok, ast} -> ast |> Code.quoted_to_algebra() |> Inspect.Algebra.format(300) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() _ -> # Stab or do block code end end defp reformat_code(code, _), do: code end