h1 Livestreams

- route = fn p -> Routes.channel_path(@conn, :index, p) end
- pagination = render PhilomenaWeb.PaginationView, "_pagination.html", page: @channels, route: route, conn: @conn, params: [cq: @conn.params["cq"]]

= form_for :channels, Routes.channel_path(@conn, :index), [method: "get", class: "hform", enforce_utf8: false], fn f ->
    = text_input f, :cq, name: :cq, value: @conn.params["cq"], class: "input hform__text", placeholder: "Search channels", autocapitalize: "none"
    = submit "Search", class: "hform__button button"

    .page__pagination = pagination

    = if @conn.cookies["chan_nsfw"] == "true" do
      a href=Routes.channel_nsfw_path(@conn, :delete) data-method="delete"
        ' Hide NSFW streams
    - else
      a href=Routes.channel_nsfw_path(@conn, :create) data-method="create"
        ' Show NSFW streams

    = for channel <- @channels do
      = render PhilomenaWeb.ChannelView, "_channel_box.html", channel: channel, conn: @conn, subscriptions: @subscriptions

    .page__pagination = pagination

= if can?(@conn, :create, Philomena.Channels.Channel) do
  = link "New Channel", to: Routes.channel_path(@conn, :new)

h2 FAQ
  strong> Q: Do you host streams?
  | A: No, we cheat and just link to streams on Picarto since that's where (almost) everyone is already. This is simply a nice way to track streaming artists.
  strong> Q: How do I get my stream/a friend's stream/<artist>'s stream here?
  ' A: Send a private message to a site administrator
  ' with a link to the stream and the artist tag if applicable.