Link creation is done via the Users menu.
Verifying a link will automatically award an artist badge if the link is public, no artist badge exists, and an "artist:" tag is specified.
<%= form_for :artist_link, ~p"/admin/artist_links", [method: "get", class: "hform"], fn f -> %>State | User | URL | Options | Mark | Public |
<%= link_state_name(link) %>
<%= if contacted?(link) do %>
by <%= %> (<%= pretty_time(link.contacted_at) %>) <% end %> |
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_user.html", object: link, awards: true, conn: @conn) %> <%= render(PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag_list.html", tags: display_order(link.user.linked_tags), conn: @conn) %> |
<%= link(String.slice(link.uri, 0, 100), to: link.uri) %>
<%= if link.tag do %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag.html", tag: link.tag, conn: @conn) %> <% end %> |
<%= link("View", to: ~p"/profiles/#{link.user}/artist_links/#{link}") %> • <%= link("Edit", to: ~p"/profiles/#{link.user}/artist_links/#{link}/edit") %> |
<%= link("Verify", to: ~p"/admin/artist_links/#{link}/verification", method: :post) %> • <%= link("Reject", to: ~p"/admin/artist_links/#{link}/reject", method: :post) %>
<%= if not verified?(link) do %> <%= if contacted?(link) do %> Artist contacted <% else %> <%= link("Artist contacted", to: ~p"/admin/artist_links/#{link}/contact", method: :post) %> <% end %> <% end %> |
<%= public_text(link) %> |