article.block.communication id="comment_#{}" .block__content.flex.flex--no-wrap class=comment_body_class(@comment) .flex__fixed.spacing-right = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user_avatar.html", object: @comment, conn: @conn .flex__grow.communication__body span.communication__body__sender-name = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user.html", object: @comment, awards: true, conn: @conn br = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user_title.html", object: @comment, conn: @conn .communication__body__text = if @comment.hidden_from_users do strong.comment_deleted ' Deletion reason: =<> @comment.deletion_reason = if can?(@conn, :delete, @comment) do | ( = | ) = if can?(@conn, :delete, @comment) do = if @comment.destroyed_content do br strong.comment_deleted> | This comment's contents have been destroyed. - else br ==<> @body - else ==<> @body .block__content.communication__options .flex.flex--wrap.flex--spaced-out = render PhilomenaWeb.CommentView, "_comment_options.html", comment: @comment, conn: @conn = if can?(@conn, :hide, @comment) do .js-staff-action = cond do - @comment.hidden_from_users and not @comment.destroyed_content -> = link(to: Routes.image_comment_hide_path(@conn, :delete, @comment.image_id, @comment), data: [confirm: "Are you sure?"], method: :delete, class: "communication__interaction") do i.fas.fa-check> ' Restore = if can?(@conn, :delete, @comment) do = link(to: Routes.image_comment_delete_path(@conn, :delete, @comment.image_id, @comment), data: [confirm: "Are you sure?"], method: :delete, class: "communication__interaction") do i.fas.fa-times> ' Delete Contents - not @comment.hidden_from_users and not @comment.destroyed_content -> a.communication__interaction.togglable-delete-form-link href="#" data-click-toggle="#inline-del-form-comment-#{}" i.fas.fa-times> ' Delete - true -> = if can?(@conn, :show, :ip_address) do .communication__info =<> link_to_ip(@conn, @comment.ip) .communication__info =<> link_to_fingerprint(@conn, @comment.fingerprint) = form_for :comment, Routes.image_comment_hide_path(@conn, :create, @comment.image_id, @comment), [class: "togglable-delete-form hidden flex", id: "inline-del-form-comment-#{}"], fn f -> = text_input f, :deletion_reason, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Deletion Reason", id: "inline-del-reason-comment-#{}", required: true = submit "Delete", class: "button"