/** * Markdown toolbar */ import { $, $$ } from './utils/dom'; // List of options provided to the syntax handler function. interface SyntaxHandlerOptions { prefix: string; shortcutKeyCode: number; suffix: string; prefixMultiline: string; suffixMultiline: string; singleWrap: boolean; escapeChar: string; image: boolean; text: string; } interface SyntaxHandler { action: (textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>) => void; options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>; } const markdownSyntax: Record<string, SyntaxHandler> = { bold: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '**', shortcutKeyCode: 66 }, }, italics: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '*', shortcutKeyCode: 73 }, }, under: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '__', shortcutKeyCode: 85 }, }, spoiler: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '||', shortcutKeyCode: 83 }, }, code: { action: wrapSelectionOrLines, options: { prefix: '`', suffix: '`', prefixMultiline: '```\n', suffixMultiline: '\n```', singleWrap: true, shortcutKeyCode: 69, }, }, strike: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '~~' }, }, superscript: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '^' }, }, subscript: { action: wrapSelection, options: { prefix: '~' }, }, quote: { action: wrapLines, options: { prefix: '> ' }, }, link: { action: insertLink, options: { shortcutKeyCode: 76 }, }, image: { action: insertLink, options: { image: true, shortcutKeyCode: 75 }, }, escape: { action: escapeSelection, options: { escapeChar: '\\' }, }, }; interface SelectionResult { processLinesOnly: boolean; selectedText: string; beforeSelection: string; afterSelection: string; } function getSelections(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, linesOnly: RegExp | boolean = false): SelectionResult { let { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = textarea, selection = textarea.value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd), leadingSpace = '', trailingSpace = '', caret: number; const processLinesOnly = linesOnly instanceof RegExp ? linesOnly.test(selection) : linesOnly; if (processLinesOnly) { const explorer = /\n/g; let startNewlineIndex = 0, endNewlineIndex = textarea.value.length; while (explorer.exec(textarea.value)) { const { lastIndex } = explorer; if (lastIndex <= selectionStart) { startNewlineIndex = lastIndex; } else if (lastIndex > selectionEnd) { endNewlineIndex = lastIndex - 1; break; } } selectionStart = startNewlineIndex; const startRemovedValue = textarea.value.substring(selectionStart); const startsWithBlankString = startRemovedValue.match(/^[\s\n]+/); if (startsWithBlankString) { // Offset the selection start to the first non-blank line's first non-blank character, since // Some browsers treat selection up to the start of the line as including the end of the // previous line selectionStart += startsWithBlankString[0].length; } selectionEnd = endNewlineIndex; selection = textarea.value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } else { // Deselect trailing space and line break for (caret = selection.length - 1; caret > 0; caret--) { if (selection[caret] !== ' ' && selection[caret] !== '\n') break; trailingSpace = selection[caret] + trailingSpace; } selection = selection.substring(0, caret + 1); // Deselect leading space and line break for (caret = 0; caret < selection.length; caret++) { if (selection[caret] !== ' ' && selection[caret] !== '\n') break; leadingSpace += selection[caret]; } selection = selection.substring(caret); } return { processLinesOnly, selectedText: selection, beforeSelection: textarea.value.substring(0, selectionStart) + leadingSpace, afterSelection: trailingSpace + textarea.value.substring(selectionEnd), }; } interface TransformResult { newText: string; caretOffset: number; } type TransformCallback = (selectedText: string, processLinesOnly: boolean) => TransformResult; function transformSelection( textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, transformer: TransformCallback, eachLine: RegExp | boolean = false, ) { const { selectedText, beforeSelection, afterSelection, processLinesOnly } = getSelections(textarea, eachLine), // For long comments, record scrollbar position to restore it later { scrollTop } = textarea; const { newText, caretOffset } = transformer(selectedText, processLinesOnly); textarea.value = beforeSelection + newText + afterSelection; const newSelectionStart = caretOffset >= 1 ? beforeSelection.length + caretOffset : textarea.value.length - afterSelection.length - caretOffset; textarea.selectionStart = newSelectionStart; textarea.selectionEnd = newSelectionStart; textarea.scrollTop = scrollTop; // Needed for automatic textarea resizing textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } function insertLink(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>) { let hyperlink = window.prompt(options.image ? 'Image link:' : 'Link:'); if (!hyperlink || hyperlink === '') return; // Change on-site link to use relative url if (!options.image && hyperlink.startsWith(window.location.origin)) { hyperlink = hyperlink.substring(window.location.origin.length); } const prefix = options.image ? '`; wrapSelection(textarea, { prefix, suffix }); } function wrapSelection(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>) { transformSelection(textarea, (selectedText: string): TransformResult => { const { text = selectedText, prefix = '', suffix = options.prefix } = options, emptyText = text === ''; let newText = text; if (!emptyText) { newText = text.replace(/(\n{2,})/g, match => { return suffix + match + prefix; }); } newText = prefix + newText + suffix; return { newText, caretOffset: emptyText ? prefix.length : newText.length, }; }); } function wrapLines( textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>, eachLine: RegExp | boolean = true, ) { transformSelection( textarea, (selectedText: string, processLinesOnly: boolean): TransformResult => { const { text = selectedText, singleWrap = false } = options, prefix = (processLinesOnly && options.prefixMultiline) || options.prefix || '', suffix = (processLinesOnly && options.suffixMultiline) || options.suffix || '', emptyText = text === ''; let newText = singleWrap ? prefix + text.trim() + suffix : text .split(/\n/g) .map(line => prefix + line.trim() + suffix) .join('\n'); // Force a space at the end of lines with only blockquote markers newText = newText.replace(/^((?:>\s+)*)>$/gm, '$1> '); return { newText, caretOffset: emptyText ? prefix.length : newText.length }; }, eachLine, ); } function wrapSelectionOrLines(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>) { wrapLines(textarea, options, /\n/); } function escapeSelection(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement, options: Partial<SyntaxHandlerOptions>) { transformSelection(textarea, (selectedText: string): TransformResult => { const { text = selectedText } = options, emptyText = text === ''; // Nothing to escape, so do nothing if (emptyText) { return { newText: text, caretOffset: text.length, }; } const newText = text.replace(/([*_[\]()^`%\\~<>#|])/g, '\\$1'); return { newText, caretOffset: newText.length, }; }); } function clickHandler(event: MouseEvent) { if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLElement)) return; const button = event.target.closest<HTMLElement>('.communication__toolbar__button'); const toolbar = button?.closest<HTMLElement>('.communication__toolbar'); if (!button || !toolbar?.parentElement) return; // There may be multiple toolbars present on the page, // in the case of image pages with description edit active // we target the textarea that shares the same parent as the toolbar const textarea = $<HTMLTextAreaElement>('.js-toolbar-input', toolbar.parentElement), id = button.dataset.syntaxId; if (!textarea || !id) return; markdownSyntax[id].action(textarea, markdownSyntax[id].options); textarea.focus(); } function canAcceptShortcut(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean { let ctrl: boolean, otherModifier: boolean; switch (window.navigator.platform) { case 'MacIntel': ctrl = event.metaKey; otherModifier = event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey; break; default: ctrl = event.ctrlKey; otherModifier = event.metaKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey; break; } return ctrl && !otherModifier; } function shortcutHandler(event: KeyboardEvent) { if (!canAcceptShortcut(event)) { return; } const textarea = event.target, keyCode = event.keyCode; if (!(textarea instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) return; for (const id in markdownSyntax) { if (keyCode === markdownSyntax[id].options.shortcutKeyCode) { markdownSyntax[id].action(textarea, markdownSyntax[id].options); event.preventDefault(); } } } function setupToolbar() { $$<HTMLElement>('.communication__toolbar').forEach(toolbar => { toolbar.addEventListener('click', clickHandler); }); $$<HTMLTextAreaElement>('.js-toolbar-input').forEach(textarea => { textarea.addEventListener('keydown', shortcutHandler); }); } export { setupToolbar };