defmodule Philomena.Uploader do @moduledoc """ Upload and processing callback logic for image files. """ alias Philomena.Filename alias Philomena.Analyzers alias Philomena.Sha512 import Ecto.Changeset @doc """ Performs analysis of the passed Plug.Upload, and invokes a changeset callback on the model or changeset passed in with attributes set on the field_name. """ @spec analyze_upload(any(), String.t(), Plug.Upload.t(), (any(), map() -> Ecto.Changeset.t())) :: Ecto.Changeset.t() def analyze_upload(model_or_changeset, field_name, upload_parameter, changeset_fn) do with {:ok, analysis} <- Analyzers.analyze(upload_parameter), analysis <- extra_attributes(analysis, upload_parameter) do removed = model_or_changeset |> change() |> get_field(field(field_name)) attributes = %{ "name" =>, "width" => analysis.width, "height" => analysis.height, "size" => analysis.size, "format" => analysis.extension, "mime_type" => analysis.mime_type, "duration" => analysis.duration, "aspect_ratio" => analysis.aspect_ratio, "orig_sha512_hash" => analysis.sha512, "sha512_hash" => analysis.sha512, "is_animated" => analysis.animated? } |> prefix_attributes(field_name) |> Map.put(field_name, analysis.new_name) |> Map.put(upload_key(field_name), upload_parameter.path) |> Map.put(remove_key(field_name), removed) changeset_fn.(model_or_changeset, attributes) else {:unsupported_mime, mime} -> attributes = prefix_attributes(%{"mime_type" => mime}, field_name) changeset_fn.(model_or_changeset, attributes) _error -> changeset_fn.(model_or_changeset, %{}) end end @doc """ Writes the file to permanent storage. This should be the second-to-last step in the transaction. """ @spec persist_upload(any(), String.t(), String.t()) :: any() def persist_upload(model, file_root, field_name) do source = Map.get(model, field(upload_key(field_name))) dest = Map.get(model, field(field_name)) target = Path.join(file_root, dest) dir = Path.dirname(target) # Create the target directory if it doesn't exist yet, # then write the file. File.mkdir_p!(dir) File.cp!(source, target) end @doc """ Removes the old file from permanent storage. This should be the last step in the transaction. """ @spec unpersist_old_upload(any(), String.t(), String.t()) :: any() def unpersist_old_upload(model, file_root, field_name) do model |> Map.get(field(remove_key(field_name))) |> try_remove(file_root) end defp extra_attributes(analysis, %Plug.Upload{path: path, filename: filename}) do {width, height} = analysis.dimensions aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio(width, height) stat = File.stat!(path) sha512 = Sha512.file(path) new_name = analysis |> Map.put(:size, stat.size) |> Map.put(:name, filename) |> Map.put(:width, width) |> Map.put(:height, height) |> Map.put(:sha512, sha512) |> Map.put(:new_name, new_name) |> Map.put(:aspect_ratio, aspect_ratio) end defp aspect_ratio(_, 0), do: 0.0 defp aspect_ratio(w, h), do: w / h defp try_remove("", _file_root), do: nil defp try_remove(nil, _file_root), do: nil defp try_remove(file, file_root), do: File.rm(Path.join(file_root, file)) defp prefix_attributes(map, prefix), do:, fn {key, value} -> {"#{prefix}_#{key}", value} end) defp upload_key(field_name), do: "uploaded_#{field_name}" defp remove_key(field_name), do: "removed_#{field_name}" defp field(field_name), do: String.to_existing_atom(field_name) end