.profile-top .profile-top__avatar = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_user_avatar.html", object: %{user: @current_user}, conn: @conn .profile-top__name-and-links div h1 Your avatar p Add a new avatar or remove your existing one here. p Avatars must be less than 1000px tall and wide, and smaller than 300 kilobytes in size. PNG, JPEG, and GIF are acceptable. = form_for @changeset, Routes.avatar_path(@conn, :update), [method: "put", multipart: true], fn f -> = if @changeset.action do .alert.alert-danger p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below. / todo: extract this h4 Select an image .image-other #js-image-upload-previews p Upload a file from your computer, or provide a link to the page containing the image and click Fetch. .field = file_input f, :avatar, class: "input js-scraper" = error_tag f, :avatar_size = error_tag f, :avatar_width = error_tag f, :avatar_height = error_tag f, :avatar_mime_type .field.field--inline = url_input f, :scraper_url, class: "input input--wide js-scraper", placeholder: "Link a deviantART page, a Tumblr post, or the image directly" button.button.button--separate-left#js-scraper-preview(type="button" title="Fetch the image at the specified URL" data-disable-with="Fetch" disabled) ' Fetch .field-error-js.hidden.js-scraper br => submit "Update my avatar", class: "button" br = button_to "Remove my avatar", Routes.avatar_path(@conn, :delete), method: "delete", class: "button", data: [confirm: "Are you really, really sure?"] br - return_to = if blank?(@conn.params["profile"]) do = Routes.pow_registration_path(@conn, :edit) - else = Routes.profile_path(@conn, :show, @current_user) = link "Back", to: return_to