defmodule PhilomenaProxy.Scrapers.Deviantart do @moduledoc false alias PhilomenaProxy.Scrapers.Scraper alias PhilomenaProxy.Scrapers @behaviour Scraper @image_regex ~r|data-rh="true" rel="preload" href="([^"]*)" as="image"| @source_regex ~r|rel="canonical" href="([^"]*)"| @artist_regex ~r|[^/]*)/art| @cdnint_regex ~r|(https://images-wixmp-[0-9a-f][^/]*)/([^/?]*)| @png_regex ~r|(https://[0-9a-z\-\.]+(?:/intermediary)?/f/[0-9a-f\-]+/[0-9a-z\-]+\.png/v1/fill/[0-9a-z_,]+/[0-9a-z_\-]+)(\.png)(.*)| @jpg_regex ~r|(https://[0-9a-z\-\.]+(?:/intermediary)?/f/[0-9a-f\-]+/[0-9a-z\-]+\.jpg/v1/fill/w_[0-9]+,h_[0-9]+,q_)([0-9]+)(,[a-z]+\/[a-z0-6_\-]+\.jpe?g.*)| @spec can_handle?(URI.t(), String.t()) :: boolean() def can_handle?(uri, _url) do String.ends_with?(, "") end # # # Note that Erlang (and by extension Elixir) do not have any sort of # reliable HTML/XML parsers that can accept untrusted input. As an example, # xmerl is vulnerable to almost every XML attack which has ever been # created, and also exposes the runtime to symbol DoS as an added bonus. # # So, regex it is. Eat dirt, deviantart. You don't deserve the respect # artists give you. @spec scrape(URI.t(), Scrapers.url()) :: Scrapers.scrape_result() def scrape(_uri, url) do url |> PhilomenaProxy.Http.get() |> extract_data!() |> try_intermediary_hires!() |> try_new_hires!() end defp extract_data!({:ok, %{body: body, status: 200}}) do [image] =, body, capture: :all_but_first) [source] =, body, capture: :all_but_first) [artist] =, source, capture: :all_but_first) %{ source_url: source, author_name: artist, description: "", images: [ %{ url: image, camo_url: PhilomenaProxy.Camo.image_url(image) } ] } end defp try_intermediary_hires!(%{images: [image]} = data) do with [domain, object_uuid, object_name] <-, image.url, capture: :all_but_first), built_url <- "#{domain}/intermediary/f/#{object_uuid}/#{object_name}", {:ok, %{status: 200}} <- PhilomenaProxy.Http.head(built_url) do # This is the high resolution URL. %{ data | images: [ %{ url: built_url, camo_url: image.camo_url } ] } else _ -> # Nothing to be found here, move along... data end end defp try_new_hires!(%{images: [image]} = data) do cond do String.match?(image.url, @png_regex) -> %{ data | images: [ %{ url: String.replace(image.url, @png_regex, "\\1.png\\3"), camo_url: image.camo_url } ] } String.match?(image.url, @jpg_regex) -> %{ data | images: [ %{ url: String.replace(image.url, @jpg_regex, "\\g{1}100\\3"), camo_url: image.camo_url } ] } true -> # Nothing to be found here, move along... data end end end