defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Profile.CommissionController do use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias Philomena.Commissions.Commission alias Philomena.Commissions alias Philomena.Textile.Renderer alias Philomena.Users.User plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterBannedUsersPlug when action in [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] plug :load_resource, model: User, id_name: "profile_id", id_field: "slug", preload: [:verified_links, commission: [sheet_image: :tags, user: [awards: :badge], items: [example_image: :tags]]], persisted: true plug :ensure_commission when action in [:show, :edit, :update, :delete] plug :ensure_no_commission when action in [:new, :create] plug :ensure_correct_user when action in [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] plug :ensure_links_verified when action in [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] def show(conn, _params) do commission = conn.assigns.user.commission item_descriptions = commission.items |>{body: &1.description}) |> Renderer.render_collection(conn) item_add_ons = commission.items |>{body: &1.add_ons}) |> Renderer.render_collection(conn) [information, contact, will_create, will_not_create] = Renderer.render_collection( [ %{body: commission.information}, %{body:}, %{body: commission.will_create}, %{body: commission.will_not_create} ], conn ) rendered = %{ information: information, contact: contact, will_create: will_create, will_not_create: will_not_create } items =[item_descriptions, item_add_ons, commission.items]) render(conn, "show.html", rendered: rendered, commission: commission, items: items, layout_class: "layout--wide") end def new(conn, _params) do changeset = Commissions.change_commission(%Commission{}) render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset) end defp ensure_commission(conn, _opts) do case is_nil(conn.assigns.user.commission) do true -> false -> conn end end defp ensure_no_commission(conn, _opts) do case is_nil(conn.assigns.user.commission) do false -> true -> conn end end defp ensure_correct_user(conn, _opts) do user_id = case conn.assigns.current_user do %{id: ^user_id} -> conn _other -> end end defp ensure_links_verified(conn, _opts) do case Enum.any?(conn.assigns.user.verified_links) do true -> conn false -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "You must have a verified user link to create a commission listing.") |> redirect(to: Routes.commission_path(conn, :index)) end end end