defmodule Philomena.Repo.Migrations.AddLayouts do use Ecto.Migration def change do execute( """ CREATE VIEW layouts AS WITH artist_link_count AS (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM artist_links WHERE aasm_state IN ('unverified', 'link_verified', 'contacted')), channel_count AS (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM channels WHERE is_live='t'), duplicate_report_count AS (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM duplicate_reports WHERE state='open'), dnp_entry_count AS (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dnp_entries WHERE aasm_state IN ('requested', 'claimed', 'acknowledged')), report_count AS (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reports WHERE open='t'), forums AS (SELECT array_agg(row_to_json(f)) AS array FROM forums f), site_notices AS (SELECT array_agg(row_to_json(sn)) AS array FROM site_notices sn WHERE start_date <= now() AND finish_date > now()) SELECT artist_link_count.count AS artist_link_count, channel_count.count AS channel_count, dnp_entry_count.count AS dnp_entry_count, duplicate_report_count.count AS duplicate_report_count, report_count.count AS report_count, forums.array AS forums, site_notices.array AS site_notices FROM artist_link_count, channel_count, duplicate_report_count, dnp_entry_count, report_count, forums, site_notices """, "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS layouts" ) execute( """ CREATE VIEW user_layouts AS SELECT AS user_id, roles.array AS roles, my_filters.array AS my_filters, recent_filters.array AS recent_filters, unread_notification_count.count AS unread_notification_count, conversation_from_count.count + conversation_to_count.count AS conversation_count FROM users u INNER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT array_agg(row_to_json(r.*)) AS array FROM roles r JOIN users_roles ur ON WHERE roles ON 't' INNER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT array_agg(row_to_json(f)) AS array FROM filters f WHERE LIMIT 10) my_filters ON 't' INNER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT array_agg(row_to_json(f)) AS array FROM filters f WHERE = ANY(u.recent_filter_ids) LIMIT 10) recent_filters ON 't' INNER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM unread_notifications WHERE unread_notification_count ON 't' INNER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM conversations WHERE from_read='f' AND from_hidden='f' AND conversation_from_count ON 't' INNER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM conversations WHERE to_read='f' AND to_hidden='f' AND conversation_to_count ON 't' """, "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS user_layouts" ) end end