defmodule Philomena.Channels do @moduledoc """ The Channels context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Philomena.Repo alias Philomena.Channels.Channel alias Philomena.Channels.PicartoChannel alias Philomena.Channels.PiczelChannel alias Philomena.Notifications @doc """ Updates all the tracked channels for which an update scheme is known. """ def update_tracked_channels! do now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.truncate(:second) picarto_channels = PicartoChannel.live_channels(now) live_picarto_channels = Map.keys(picarto_channels) piczel_channels = PiczelChannel.live_channels(now) live_piczel_channels = Map.keys(piczel_channels) # Update all channels which are offline to reflect offline status offline_query = from c in Channel, where: c.type == "PicartoChannel" and c.short_name not in ^live_picarto_channels, or_where: c.type == "PiczelChannel" and c.short_name not in ^live_piczel_channels Repo.update_all(offline_query, set: [is_live: false, updated_at: now]) # Update all channels which are online to reflect online status using # changeset functions online_query = from c in Channel, where: c.type == "PicartoChannel" and c.short_name in ^live_picarto_channels, or_where: c.type == "PiczelChannel" and c.short_name in ^live_picarto_channels online_query |> Repo.all() |> %{type: "PicartoChannel", short_name: name} = channel -> Channel.update_changeset(channel, Map.get(picarto_channels, name, [])) %{type: "PiczelChannel", short_name: name} = channel -> Channel.update_changeset(channel, Map.get(piczel_channels, name, [])) end) |>!/1) end @doc """ Gets a single channel. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Channel does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_channel!(123) %Channel{} iex> get_channel!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_channel!(id), do: Repo.get!(Channel, id) @doc """ Creates a channel. ## Examples iex> create_channel(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Channel{}} iex> create_channel(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_channel(attrs \\ %{}) do %Channel{} |> Channel.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a channel. ## Examples iex> update_channel(channel, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Channel{}} iex> update_channel(channel, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_channel(%Channel{} = channel, attrs) do channel |> Channel.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Channel. ## Examples iex> delete_channel(channel) {:ok, %Channel{}} iex> delete_channel(channel) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_channel(%Channel{} = channel) do Repo.delete(channel) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking channel changes. ## Examples iex> change_channel(channel) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Channel{}} """ def change_channel(%Channel{} = channel) do Channel.changeset(channel, %{}) end alias Philomena.Channels.Subscription @doc """ Creates a subscription. ## Examples iex> create_subscription(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Subscription{}} iex> create_subscription(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_subscription(_channel, nil), do: {:ok, nil} def create_subscription(channel, user) do %Subscription{channel_id:, user_id:} |> Subscription.changeset(%{}) |> Repo.insert(on_conflict: :nothing) end @doc """ Deletes a Subscription. ## Examples iex> delete_subscription(subscription) {:ok, %Subscription{}} iex> delete_subscription(subscription) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_subscription(channel, user) do clear_notification(channel, user) %Subscription{channel_id:, user_id:} |> Repo.delete() end def subscribed?(_channel, nil), do: false def subscribed?(channel, user) do Subscription |> where(channel_id: ^, user_id: ^ |> Repo.exists?() end def subscriptions(_channels, nil), do: %{} def subscriptions(channels, user) do channel_ids =, & & Subscription |> where([s], s.channel_id in ^channel_ids and s.user_id == ^ |> Repo.all() |>{&1.channel_id, true}) end def clear_notification(channel, user) do Notifications.delete_unread_notification("Channel",, user) Notifications.delete_unread_notification("LivestreamChannel",, user) end end