<%= label(f, :watched_tag_list, "Tags to watch") %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag_editor.html", f: f, name: :watched_tag_list, type: :edit, conn: @conn) %>
<%= error_tag(f, :watched_tag_list) %>
Watchlist queries and filtering
The following two areas are for search queries to control what other images show up in your watch list. Lines are ORed together. See <%= link("the syntax guide", to: "/pages/search_syntax") %> for how to write queries.
<%= label(f, :watched_images_query_str, "Watch list search string (images found by this search are added to your watched images list)") %>
<%= textarea(f, :watched_images_query_str, class: "input input--wide", autocapitalize: "none") %>
<%= error_tag(f, :watched_images_query_str) %>
<%= label(f, :watched_images_exclude_str, "Watch list filter string (any images found by this search are removed from your watched images list)") %>
<%= textarea(f, :watched_images_exclude_str, class: "input input--wide", autocapitalize: "none") %>
<%= error_tag(f, :watched_images_exclude_str) %>
<%= checkbox(f, :no_spoilered_in_watched, class: "checkbox") %>
<%= label(f, :no_spoilered_in_watched, "Hide images spoilered by filter in watchlist") %>
RSS feed link (for Newsblur, RSSOwl, Thunderbird, etc.):
Do not share this URL with anyone, it may allow an attacker to compromise your account.
Settings on this tab are saved in the current browser. They are independent of your login.
<%= label(f, :hidpi, "Serve HiDPI thumbnails") %>
<%= checkbox(f, :hidpi, checked: @conn.cookies["hidpi"] == "true") %>
Use high quality thumbnails on displays with a high pixel density. Requires more data than regular thumbnails.
<%= label(f, :serve_webm, "Serve WebM") %>
<%= checkbox(f, :serve_webm, checked: @conn.cookies["serve_webm"] == "true") %>
Serve WebM/MP4 versions of GIF images when available. Good for lower-bandwidth connections, but the video versions may have missing start/end frames, and do not support transparency.
<%= label(f, :webm, "Use video thumbnails") %>
<%= checkbox(f, :webm, checked: @conn.cookies["webm"] == "true") %>
Use video thumbnails for WebM videos. Does not apply to GIF images.
<%= label(f, :hide_uploader) %>
<%= checkbox(f, :hide_uploader, checked: @conn.cookies["hide_uploader"] == "true") %>
Hide the uploader and date posted information on image pages.
<%= label(f, :unfilter_tag_suggestions) %>
<%= checkbox(f, :unfilter_tag_suggestions, checked: @conn.cookies["unfilter_tag_suggestions"] == "true") %>
Don't attempt to filter tag suggestions using your current filter.
<%= label(f, :hide_score) %>
<%= checkbox(f, :hide_score, checked: @conn.cookies["hide_score"] == "true") %>
Hide score information for images.
<%= label(f, :chan_nsfw, "Show NSFW channels") %>
<%= checkbox(f, :chan_nsfw, checked: @conn.cookies["chan_nsfw"] == "true") %>
Show streams marked as NSFW on the channels page.
<%= if staff?(@conn.assigns.current_user) do %>
<%= label(f, :hide_staff_tools) %>
<%= checkbox(f, :hide_staff_tools, checked: @conn.cookies["hide_staff_tools"] == "true") %>
Hide most of the staff tools (e.g. IPs, anon names) making your site appear as if you weren't staff, this is useful when browsing in public.
<% end %>