.profile-top .profile-top__avatar - avatar = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_user_avatar.html", object: %{user: @user}, class: "avatar--large" = if current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) do = link avatar, to: ~p"/avatar/edit?#{[profile: true]}", title: "Change avatar" - else = avatar .profile-top__name-and-links div h1.profile-top__name-header = @user.name | 's profile = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_user_title.html", object: %{user: @user}, large: true br = if can?(@conn, :edit_description, @user) do = link "Edit Personal Title", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/description/edit" br span ' Member since = pretty_time(@user.created_at) .profile-top__options ul.profile-top__options__column li = link("Send message", to: ~p"/conversations/new?#{[recipient: @user.name]}") li = link("Our conversations", to: ~p"/conversations?#{[with: @user.id]}") li = link("Report this user", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/reports/new") ul.profile-top__options__column li = link("Uploads", to: ~p"/search?#{[q: "uploader_id:#{@user.id}"]}") li = link("Comments", to: ~p"/comments?#{[cq: "user_id:#{@user.id}"]}") li = link("Posts", to: ~p"/posts?#{[pq: "user_id:#{@user.id}"]}") = if current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) do li = link "My reports", to: ~p"/reports" ul.profile-top__options__column li = link("Favorites", to: ~p"/search?#{[q: "faved_by_id:#{@user.id}"]}") li = link("Tag changes", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/tag_changes") li = link("Source changes", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/source_changes") = if can_index_user?(@conn) do .js-staff-action = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_admin_block.html", assigns = if @forced && (current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) or can_index_user?(@conn)) do .block i.fa.icon--padded.small.fa-filter> strong.comment_deleted> Forced Filter: = link @forced.name, to: ~p"/filters/#{@forced}" = if (current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) or can?(@conn, :index, Philomena.Bans.User)) and Enum.any?(@bans) do .block.block--warning .block__header i.fa.fa-ban | Ban History .block__content = render PhilomenaWeb.BanView, "_bans.html", bans: @bans, conn: @conn .column-layout .column-layout__left .block .block__header i.fa.fa-briefcase | Commissions = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_commission.html", user: @user, commission_information: @commission_information, conn: @conn .block .block__header i.fa.fa-link | Artist Links = for link <- @user.verified_links, should_see_link?(@conn, @user, link) do - watchers = if link.tag, do: @watcher_counts[link.tag.id] || 0, else: 0 .block__content.alternating-color.break-word class=link_block_class(link) .center = if link.tag do .tag_list = render PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag.html", tag: link.tag, conn: @conn = link(link.uri, to: link.uri) = if current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) or manages_links?(@conn, @user) do br ' Watched by => watchers = pluralize("user", "users", watchers) = if manages_links?(@conn, @user) do br => if link.public do ' Public - else ' Hidden ' • a href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/artist_links/#{link}/edit" ' Edit ' • a href=~p"/admin/artist_links/#{link}/reject" data-method="post" ' Reject - else => unless link.public do br ' Hidden = if current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) or manages_links?(@conn, @user) do .block__content.alternating-color.break-word a.button href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/artist_links/new" i.fa.fa-link> | Create an Artist Link .block .block__header i.fa.fa-award | Badges = for award <- award_order(@user.awards) do .block__content.flex.flex--centered.flex--center-distributed.alternating-color.no-overflow title=award.label .flex__grow.center .badge = badge_image(award.badge, alt: award.label, width: "32", height: "32") br = award_title(award) .flex__grow.center => pretty_time(award.awarded_on) = if manages_awards?(@conn) do = user_abbrv(award.awarded_by) = if manages_awards?(@conn) do .flex__grow.center a href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/awards/#{award}" data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you really, really sure?" ' Remove br a href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/awards/#{award}/edit" ' Edit = if manages_awards?(@conn) and not hide_staff_tools?(@conn) do .block__content.alternating-color.no-overflow a.button href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/awards/new" i.fa.fa-trophy> | Award a badge .block .block__header i.fa.fa-question | About Me = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_about_me.html", user: @user, about_me: @about_me, conn: @conn = if can_read_mod_notes?(@conn) and not hide_staff_tools?(@conn) do .block.block--warning .block__header i.fa.fa-sticky-note | Mod Notes table.table thead tr th Note th Created tbody = for {body, mod_note} <- @mod_notes do tr td = body td = pretty_time(mod_note.created_at) .block__content a.button href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/details" i.fa.fa-plus> | Edit mod notes = if can_index_user?(@conn) do .block.block--warning .block__header i.fa.fa-clipboard | Moderation Scratchpad .block__content.profile-about = @scratchpad .block__content a.button href=~p"/profiles/#{@user}/scratchpad/edit" i.fa.fa-edit> | Edit .column-layout__main = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_statistics.html", user: @user, statistics: @statistics, conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_recent_images.html", title: "Recent Artwork", images: @recent_artwork, view_all_path: ~p"/search?#{[q: tag_disjunction(@tags)]}", conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_recent_images.html", title: "Recent Uploads", images: @recent_uploads, view_all_path: ~p"/search?#{[q: "uploader_id:#{@user.id}"]}", conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_recent_images.html", title: "Recent Favorites", images: @recent_faves, view_all_path: ~p"/search?#{[q: "faved_by_id:#{@user.id}"]}", conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_recent_galleries.html", galleries: @recent_galleries, user: @user, conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_recent_comments.html", comments: @recent_comments, user: @user, conn: @conn = render PhilomenaWeb.ProfileView, "_recent_posts.html", posts: @recent_posts, user: @user, conn: @conn