h1 = @forum.name .block .block__header => link("Forums", to: Routes.forum_path(@conn, :index)) ' » => link(@forum.name, to: Routes.forum_path(@conn, :show, @forum)) /= icon_link 'New Topic', 'fas fa-fw fa-pen-square', new_forum_topic_path(@forum) /= icon_link 'Search Posts', 'fa fa-fw fa-search', posts_path(forum_id: @forum.id) span.spacing-left => @forum.topic_count ' topics .block__header--sub.block__header--light /- if @forum.topic_count >= Topic.topics_per_page do / = paginate @topics span.block__header__title = @forum.description /- if current_user / = subscription_link(@forum, current_user) /- else / | Login to subscribe to new threads .block__content table.table.table--communication-list thead tr th.table--communication-list__name Topic th.table--communication-list__stats.hide-mobile Views th.table--communication-list__stats.hide-mobile Posts th.table--communication-list__last-post Last Post tbody = for topic <- @topics do tr td.table--communication-list__name = if topic.sticky do i.fa.fa-thumbtack = if topic.locked_at do i.fa.fa-lock = if topic.poll do i.fas.fa-poll-h =< link(topic.title, to: Routes.forum_topic_path(@conn, :show, @forum, topic)) .small-text ' Posted => pretty_time(topic.created_at) ' by = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user.html", object: topic td.table--communication-list__stats.hide-mobile = topic.view_count td.table--communication-list__stats.hide-mobile = topic.post_count td.table--communication-list__last-post = if topic.last_post do => link("Go to post", to: Routes.forum_topic_path(@conn, :show, @forum, topic, post_id: topic.last_post) <> "post_#{topic.last_post.id}") ' by = render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_anon_user.html", object: topic.last_post br => pretty_time(topic.last_post.created_at) /= if @forum.topic_count >= Topic.topics_per_page do / .block__header.block__header--light / = paginate @topics /- if current_user / = render partial: 'topics/form'