defmodule Philomena.Slug do # Generates a URL-safe slug from a string by removing nonessential # information from it. # # The process for this is as follows: # # 1. Remove non-ASCII or non-printable characters. # # 2. Replace any runs of non-alphanumeric characters that were allowed # through previously with hyphens. # # 3. Remove any starting or ending hyphens. # # 4. Convert all characters to their lowercase equivalents. # # This method makes no guarantee of creating unique slugs for unique inputs. # In addition, for certain inputs, it will return empty strings. # # Example # # destructive_slug("Time-Wasting Thread 3.0 (SFW - No Explicit/Grimdark)") # #=> "time-wasting-thread-3-0-sfw-no-explicit-grimdark" # # destructive_slug("~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};:'\" <>,./?") # #=> "" # @spec destructive_slug(String.t()) :: String.t() def destructive_slug(input) when is_binary(input) do input # 1 |> String.replace(~r/[^ -~]/, "") # 2 |> String.replace(~r/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/, "-") # 3 |> String.replace(~r/\A-|-\z/, "") # 4 |> String.downcase() end def destructive_slug(_input), do: "" def slug(string) when is_binary(string) do string |> String.replace("-", "-dash-") |> String.replace("/", "-fwslash-") |> String.replace("\\", "-bwslash-") |> String.replace(":", "-colon-") |> String.replace(".", "-dot-") |> String.replace("+", "-plus-") |> String.replace(" ", "+") end def slug(_string), do: "" end