defmodule Philomena.PollOptionsTest do use Philomena.DataCase alias Philomena.PollOptions describe "poll_options" do alias Philomena.PollOptions.PollOption @valid_attrs %{} @update_attrs %{} @invalid_attrs %{} def poll_option_fixture(attrs \\ %{}) do {:ok, poll_option} = attrs |> Enum.into(@valid_attrs) |> PollOptions.create_poll_option() poll_option end test "list_poll_options/0 returns all poll_options" do poll_option = poll_option_fixture() assert PollOptions.list_poll_options() == [poll_option] end test "get_poll_option!/1 returns the poll_option with given id" do poll_option = poll_option_fixture() assert PollOptions.get_poll_option!( == poll_option end test "create_poll_option/1 with valid data creates a poll_option" do assert {:ok, %PollOption{} = poll_option} = PollOptions.create_poll_option(@valid_attrs) end test "create_poll_option/1 with invalid data returns error changeset" do assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = PollOptions.create_poll_option(@invalid_attrs) end test "update_poll_option/2 with valid data updates the poll_option" do poll_option = poll_option_fixture() assert {:ok, %PollOption{} = poll_option} = PollOptions.update_poll_option(poll_option, @update_attrs) end test "update_poll_option/2 with invalid data returns error changeset" do poll_option = poll_option_fixture() assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = PollOptions.update_poll_option(poll_option, @invalid_attrs) assert poll_option == PollOptions.get_poll_option!( end test "delete_poll_option/1 deletes the poll_option" do poll_option = poll_option_fixture() assert {:ok, %PollOption{}} = PollOptions.delete_poll_option(poll_option) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> PollOptions.get_poll_option!( end end test "change_poll_option/1 returns a poll_option changeset" do poll_option = poll_option_fixture() assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = PollOptions.change_poll_option(poll_option) end end end