/** * Autocomplete. */ const cache = {}; let inputField, originalTerm; function removeParent() { const parent = document.querySelector('.autocomplete'); if (parent) parent.parentNode.removeChild(parent); } function removeSelected() { const selected = document.querySelector('.autocomplete__item--selected'); if (selected) selected.classList.remove('autocomplete__item--selected'); } function changeSelected(firstOrLast, current, sibling) { if (current && sibling) { // if the currently selected item has a sibling, move selection to it current.classList.remove('autocomplete__item--selected'); sibling.classList.add('autocomplete__item--selected'); } else if (current) { // if the next keypress will take the user outside the list, restore the unautocompleted term inputField.value = originalTerm; removeSelected(); } else if (firstOrLast) { // if no item in the list is selected, select the first or last firstOrLast.classList.add('autocomplete__item--selected'); } } function keydownHandler(event) { const selected = document.querySelector('.autocomplete__item--selected'), firstItem = document.querySelector('.autocomplete__item:first-of-type'), lastItem = document.querySelector('.autocomplete__item:last-of-type'); if (event.keyCode === 38) changeSelected(lastItem, selected, selected && selected.previousSibling); // ArrowUp if (event.keyCode === 40) changeSelected(firstItem, selected, selected && selected.nextSibling); // ArrowDown if (event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 27 || event.keyCode === 188) removeParent(); // Enter || Esc || Comma if (event.keyCode === 38 || event.keyCode === 40) { // ArrowUp || ArrowDown const newSelected = document.querySelector('.autocomplete__item--selected'); if (newSelected) inputField.value = newSelected.dataset.value; event.preventDefault(); } } function createItem(list, suggestion) { const item = document.createElement('li'); item.className = 'autocomplete__item'; item.textContent = suggestion.label; item.dataset.value = suggestion.value; item.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { removeSelected(); item.classList.add('autocomplete__item--selected'); }); item.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { removeSelected(); }); item.addEventListener('click', () => { inputField.value = item.dataset.value; inputField.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('autocomplete', { detail: { type: 'click', label: suggestion.label, value: suggestion.value, } }) ); }); list.appendChild(item); } function createList(suggestions) { const parent = document.querySelector('.autocomplete'), list = document.createElement('ul'); list.className = 'autocomplete__list'; suggestions.forEach(suggestion => createItem(list, suggestion)); parent.appendChild(list); } function createParent() { const parent = document.createElement('div'); parent.className = 'autocomplete'; // Position the parent below the inputfield parent.style.position = 'absolute'; parent.style.left = `${inputField.offsetLeft}px`; // Take the inputfield offset, add its height and subtract the amount by which the parent element has scrolled parent.style.top = `${inputField.offsetTop + inputField.offsetHeight - inputField.parentNode.scrollTop}px`; // We append the parent at the end of body document.body.appendChild(parent); } function showAutocomplete(suggestions, fetchedTerm, targetInput) { // Remove old autocomplete suggestions removeParent(); // Save suggestions in cache cache[fetchedTerm] = suggestions; // If the input target is not empty, still visible, and suggestions were found if (targetInput.value && targetInput.style.display !== 'none' && suggestions.length) { createParent(); createList(suggestions); inputField.addEventListener('keydown', keydownHandler); } } function getSuggestions(term) { return fetch(`${inputField.dataset.acSource}${term}`).then(response => response.json()); } function listenAutocomplete() { let timeout; document.addEventListener('input', event => { removeParent(); window.clearTimeout(timeout); // Use a timeout to delay requests until the user has stopped typing timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { inputField = event.target; originalTerm = inputField.value; const fetchedTerm = inputField.value; const {ac, acMinLength} = inputField.dataset; if (ac && (fetchedTerm.length >= acMinLength)) { if (cache[fetchedTerm]) { showAutocomplete(cache[fetchedTerm], event.target); } else { // inputField could get overwritten while the suggestions are being fetched - use event.target getSuggestions(fetchedTerm).then(suggestions => showAutocomplete(suggestions, fetchedTerm, event.target)); } } }, 300); }); // If there's a click outside the inputField, remove autocomplete document.addEventListener('click', event => { if (event.target && event.target !== inputField) removeParent(); }); } export { listenAutocomplete };