import { $$, makeEl, findFirstTextNode } from './utils/dom'; import { fire, delegate, leftClick } from './utils/events'; const headers = () => ({ 'x-csrf-token': window.booru.csrfToken, 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest' }); function confirm(event, target) { if (!window.confirm(target.dataset.confirm)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } } function disable(event, target) { // failed validations prevent the form from being submitted; // stop here or the form will be permanently locked if (target.type === 'submit' && target.closest(':invalid') !== null) return; // Store what's already there so we don't lose it const label = findFirstTextNode(target); if (label) { target.dataset.enableWith = label.nodeValue; label.nodeValue = ` ${target.dataset.disableWith}`; } else { target.dataset.enableWith = target.innerHTML; target.innerHTML = target.dataset.disableWith; } // delay is needed because Safari stops the submit if the button is immediately disabled requestAnimationFrame(() => target.disabled = 'disabled'); } // you should use button_to instead of link_to[method]! function linkMethod(event, target) { event.preventDefault(); const form = makeEl('form', { action: target.href, method: 'POST' }); const csrf = makeEl('input', { type: 'hidden', name: '_csrf_token', value: window.booru.csrfToken }); const method = makeEl('input', { type: 'hidden', name: '_method', value: target.dataset.method }); document.body.appendChild(form); form.appendChild(csrf); form.appendChild(method); form.submit(); } function formRemote(event, target) { event.preventDefault(); fetch(target.action, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: (target.dataset.method || target.method || 'POST').toUpperCase(), headers: headers(), body: new FormData(target) }).then(response => { if (response && response.status == 300) { window.location.reload(true); return; } fire(target, 'fetchcomplete', response) }); } function formReset(event, target) { $$('[disabled][data-disable-with]', target).forEach(input => { const label = findFirstTextNode(input); if (label) { label.nodeValue = ` ${input.dataset.enableWith}`; } else { input.innerHTML = target.dataset.enableWith; } delete input.dataset.enableWith; input.removeAttribute('disabled'); }); } function linkRemote(event, target) { event.preventDefault(); fetch(target.href, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: target.dataset.method.toUpperCase(), headers: headers() }).then(response => fire(target, 'fetchcomplete', response) ); } delegate(document, 'click', { 'a[data-confirm],button[data-confirm],input[data-confirm]': leftClick(confirm), 'a[data-disable-with],button[data-disable-with],input[data-disable-with]': leftClick(disable), 'a[data-method]:not([data-remote])': leftClick(linkMethod), 'a[data-remote]': leftClick(linkRemote), }); delegate(document, 'submit', { 'form[data-remote]': formRemote }); delegate(document, 'reset', { form: formReset }); window.addEventListener('pageshow', () => { [], form => formReset(null, form)); });