- del = @conn.params["del"] .separator--vertical.separator--secondary = if blank?(del) do a.js-staff-action href=@route.(Keyword.put(@params, :del, 1)) title="Include Deleted/Merged Images" i.fa.fa-plus i.fa.fa-exclamation> span.hidden--mobile Show Deleted = if del != "only" do a.js-staff-action href=@route.(Keyword.put(@params, :del, "only")) title="Only Deleted/Merged Images" i.fa.fa-minus i.fa.fa-check> span.hidden--mobile Only Deleted = if del == "only" do a.js-staff-action href=@route.(Keyword.put(@params, :del, 1)) title="Include Images Visible to Users" i.fa.fa-plus i.fa.fa-check> span.hidden--mobile Show Non-Deleted = if present?(del) do a.js-staff-action href=@route.(Keyword.delete(@params, :del)) title="Hide Deleted/Merged Images" i.fa.fa-minus i.fa.fa-exclamation> span.hidden--mobile Hide Deleted = if present?(del) and del != "deleted" do a.js-staff-action href=@route.(Keyword.put(@params, :del, "deleted")) title="Only Deleted (Strict)" i.fa.fa-minus i.fa.fa-object-group> span.hidden--mobile Exclude Merges