h1 Search

= form_for :search, Routes.search_path(@conn, :index), [id: "searchform", method: "get", class: "js-search-form", enforce_utf8: false], fn f ->
  = text_input f, :q, class: "input input--wide js-search-field", placeholder: "Search terms are chained with commas", autocapitalize: "none", name: "q", value: @conn.params["q"]

      a data-search-prepend="-" NOT
          ' Search terms
          span data-click-preventdefault="true"
          a data-search-add="score.gte:100" data-search-select-last="3" data-search-show-help="numeric" Score
          a data-search-add="created_at.lte:3 years ago" data-search-select-last="11" data-search-show-help="date" Created at
          a data-search-add="faves.gte:100" data-search-select-last="3" data-search-show-help="numeric" Number of faves
          a data-search-add="upvotes.gte:100" data-search-select-last="3" data-search-show-help="numeric" Number of upvotes
          a data-search-add="downvotes.gte:100" data-search-select-last="3" data-search-show-help="numeric" Number of downvotes
          a data-search-add="comment_count.gt:20" data-search-select-last="2" data-search-show-help="numeric" Number of comments
          a data-search-add="uploader:k_a" data-search-select-last="3" data-search-show-help="literal" Uploader
          a data-search-add="source_url:*deviantart.com*" data-search-select-last="16" data-search-show-help="literal" Image source URL
          a data-search-add="width:1920" data-search-select-last="4" data-search-show-help="numeric" Image width
          a data-search-add="height:1080" data-search-select-last="4" data-search-show-help="numeric" Image height
          a data-search-add="aspect_ratio:1" data-search-select-last="1" data-search-show-help="numeric" Aspect ratio

      = if @conn.assigns.current_user do
            ' Belonging to&hellip;
            span data-click-preventdefault="true"
            a data-search-add="my:faves" data-search-show-help=" " My favorites
            a data-search-add="my:upvotes" data-search-show-help=" " My upvotes
            a data-search-add="my:uploads" data-search-show-help=" " My uploads
            a data-search-add="my:watched" data-search-show-help=" " My watched tags
        a href="#" data-click-toggle="#js-search-tags" Quick tags
        a href="/search/syntax" Help

      .hidden.walloftext data-search-help="numeric"
        | is a numerical range field. Four qualifiers,
        code<> gte
        | (greater than or equal),
        code<> lte
        | (less than or equal),
        code<> gt
        | (greater than), and
        code<> lt
        | (less than), can be applied to the desired value.
        em<> Example:
        | to find images with a score greater than 100, you would use
        code<> score.gt:100
        | .

      .hidden.walloftext data-search-help="date"
        ' is a date/time field. It accepts a
        a href="search/syntax#date-range" tweaked subset of the ISO 8601 standard
        | , as well as relative dates
          | (X minutes/hours/days/months/years ago)
        | . Four qualifiers,
        code<> gte
        | (greater than or equal),
        code<> lte
        | (less than or equal),
        code<> gt
        | (greater than), and
        code<> lt
        | (less than), can be applied to the desired value.
        em<> Example:
        | to find images created before 2013, you would use
        code<> created_at.lt:2013
        | .

      .hidden.walloftext data-search-help="literal"
        ' is a literal field. You can apply apply a wildcard
        code<> *
        | as a substitute for zero or more characters.
        em<> Example:
        | to find images from DeviantArt, you would use
        code<> source_url:*deviantart.com*
        | .

    .block.js-tagtable data-target=".js-search-field"
      = PhilomenaWeb.TagView.quick_tags(@conn)

    = submit "Search", class: "button button--state-primary"
    /= submit_tag "I'm Feeling Poni", class: 'button button--separate-left spacing-right', name: 'random_image'

      random_is_selected = to_string(@conn.params["sf"]) =~ ~r/\Arandom(:\d+)?\z/
      random_seed =
        if random_is_selected do

      sort_fields = [
        "Sort by upload date": :created_at,
        "Sort by last modified": :updated_at,
        "Sort by initial post date": :first_seen_at,
        "Sort by score": :score,
        "Sort by Wilson score": :wilson_score,
        "Sort by relevance": :_score,
        "Sort by width": :width,
        "Sort by height": :height,
        "Sort by comments": :comment_count,
        "Sort by tag count": :tag_count,
        "Random!": random_seed

      sort_directions = [
        "Descending": :desc,
        "Ascending": :asc

    = select f, :sf, sort_fields, class: "input input--separate-left", name: "sf", autocomplete: "off", selected: @conn.params["sf"]
    = select f, :sd, sort_directions, class: "input input--separate-left", name: "sd", autocomplete: "off", selected: @conn.params["sd"]