defmodule Philomena.Notifications do @moduledoc """ The Notifications context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Philomena.Repo alias Philomena.Channels.Subscription, as: ChannelSubscription alias Philomena.Forums.Subscription, as: ForumSubscription alias Philomena.Galleries.Subscription, as: GallerySubscription alias Philomena.Images.Subscription, as: ImageSubscription alias Philomena.Topics.Subscription, as: TopicSubscription alias Philomena.Notifications.ChannelLiveNotification alias Philomena.Notifications.ForumPostNotification alias Philomena.Notifications.ForumTopicNotification alias Philomena.Notifications.GalleryImageNotification alias Philomena.Notifications.ImageCommentNotification alias Philomena.Notifications.ImageMergeNotification alias Philomena.Notifications.Category alias Philomena.Notifications.Creator @doc """ Return the count of all currently unread notifications for the user in all categories. ## Examples iex> total_unread_notification_count(user) 15 """ def total_unread_notification_count(user) do Category.total_unread_notification_count(user) end @doc """ Gather up and return the top N notifications for the user, for each category of unread notification currently existing. ## Examples iex> unread_notifications_for_user(user, page_size: 10) [ channel_live: [], forum_post: [%ForumPostNotification{...}, ...], forum_topic: [%ForumTopicNotification{...}, ...], gallery_image: [], image_comment: [%ImageCommentNotification{...}, ...], image_merge: [] ] """ def unread_notifications_for_user(user, pagination) do Category.unread_notifications_for_user(user, pagination) end @doc """ Returns paginated unread notifications for the user, given the category. ## Examples iex> unread_notifications_for_user_and_category(user, :image_comment) [%ImageCommentNotification{...}] """ def unread_notifications_for_user_and_category(user, category, pagination) do Category.unread_notifications_for_user_and_category(user, category, pagination) end @doc """ Creates a channel live notification, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> create_channel_live_notification(channel) {:ok, 2} """ def create_channel_live_notification(channel) do Creator.broadcast_notification( from: {ChannelSubscription, channel_id:}, into: ChannelLiveNotification, select: [channel_id:], unique_key: :channel_id ) end @doc """ Creates a forum post notification, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> create_forum_post_notification(user, topic, post) {:ok, 2} """ def create_forum_post_notification(user, topic, post) do Creator.broadcast_notification( notification_author: user, from: {TopicSubscription, topic_id:}, into: ForumPostNotification, select: [topic_id:, post_id:], unique_key: :topic_id ) end @doc """ Creates a forum topic notification, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> create_forum_topic_notification(user, topic) {:ok, 2} """ def create_forum_topic_notification(user, topic) do Creator.broadcast_notification( notification_author: user, from: {ForumSubscription, forum_id: topic.forum_id}, into: ForumTopicNotification, select: [topic_id:], unique_key: :topic_id ) end @doc """ Creates a gallery image notification, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> create_gallery_image_notification(gallery) {:ok, 2} """ def create_gallery_image_notification(gallery) do Creator.broadcast_notification( from: {GallerySubscription, gallery_id:}, into: GalleryImageNotification, select: [gallery_id:], unique_key: :gallery_id ) end @doc """ Creates an image comment notification, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> create_image_comment_notification(user, image, comment) {:ok, 2} """ def create_image_comment_notification(user, image, comment) do Creator.broadcast_notification( notification_author: user, from: {ImageSubscription, image_id:}, into: ImageCommentNotification, select: [image_id:, comment_id:], unique_key: :image_id ) end @doc """ Creates an image merge notification, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> create_image_merge_notification(target, source) {:ok, 2} """ def create_image_merge_notification(target, source) do Creator.broadcast_notification( from: {ImageSubscription, image_id:}, into: ImageMergeNotification, select: [target_id:, source_id:], unique_key: :target_id ) end @doc """ Removes the channel live notification for a given channel and user, returning the number of affected users. ## Examples iex> clear_channel_live_notification(channel, user) {:ok, 2} """ def clear_channel_live_notification(channel, user) do ChannelLiveNotification |> where(channel_id: ^ |> delete_all_for_user(user) end @doc """ Removes the forum post notification for a given topic and user, returning the number of affected notifications. ## Examples iex> clear_forum_post_notification(topic, user) {:ok, 2} """ def clear_forum_post_notification(topic, user) do ForumPostNotification |> where(topic_id: ^ |> delete_all_for_user(user) end @doc """ Removes the forum topic notification for a given topic and user, returning the number of affected notifications. ## Examples iex> clear_forum_topic_notification(topic, user) {:ok, 2} """ def clear_forum_topic_notification(topic, user) do ForumTopicNotification |> where(topic_id: ^ |> delete_all_for_user(user) end @doc """ Removes the gallery image notification for a given gallery and user, returning the number of affected notifications. ## Examples iex> clear_gallery_image_notification(topic, user) {:ok, 2} """ def clear_gallery_image_notification(gallery, user) do GalleryImageNotification |> where(gallery_id: ^ |> delete_all_for_user(user) end @doc """ Removes the image comment notification for a given image and user, returning the number of affected notifications. ## Examples iex> clear_gallery_image_notification(topic, user) {:ok, 2} """ def clear_image_comment_notification(image, user) do ImageCommentNotification |> where(image_id: ^ |> delete_all_for_user(user) end @doc """ Removes the image merge notification for a given image and user, returning the number of affected notifications. ## Examples iex> clear_image_merge_notification(topic, user) {:ok, 2} """ def clear_image_merge_notification(image, user) do ImageMergeNotification |> where(target_id: ^ |> delete_all_for_user(user) end # # Clear all unread notifications using the given query. # # Returns `{:ok, count}`, where `count` is the number of affected rows. # defp delete_all_for_user(query, user) do if user do {count, nil} = query |> where(user_id: ^ |> Repo.delete_all() {:ok, count} else {:ok, 0} end end end