defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Objects do @moduledoc """ Replication wrapper for object storage backends. While cloud services can be an inexpensive way to access large amounts of storage, they are inherently less available than local file-based storage. For this reason, it is generally recommended to maintain a secondary storage provider, such as in the [3-2-1 backup strategy]( Functions in this module replicate operations on both the primary and secondary storage providers. Alternatively, a mode with only a primary storage provider is supported. This module assumes storage endpoints are S3-compatible and can be communicated with via the `m:ExAws` module. This does not preclude the usage of local file-based storage, which can be accomplished with the [`s3proxy` project]( The development repository provides an example of `s3proxy` in use. Bucket names should be set with configuration on `s3_primary_bucket` and `s3_secondary_bucket`. If `s3_secondary_bucket` is not set, then only the primary will be used. However, the primary bucket name must always be set. These are read from environment variables at runtime by Philomena. # S3/Object store config config :philomena, :s3_primary_bucket, System.fetch_env!("S3_BUCKET") config :philomena, :s3_secondary_bucket, System.get_env("ALT_S3_BUCKET") Additional options (e.g. controlling the remote endpoint used) may be set with `s3_primary_options` and `s3_secondary_options` keys. This allows you to use a provider other than AWS, like [Cloudflare R2]( These are read from environment variables at runtime by Philomena. config :philomena, :s3_primary_options, region: System.get_env("S3_REGION", "us-east-1"), scheme: System.fetch_env!("S3_SCHEME"), host: System.fetch_env!("S3_HOST"), port: System.fetch_env!("S3_PORT"), access_key_id: System.fetch_env!("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), secret_access_key: System.fetch_env!("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), http_opts: [timeout: 180_000, recv_timeout: 180_000] """ alias PhilomenaMedia.Mime require Logger @type key :: String.t() @doc """ Fetch a key from the storage backend and write it into the destination path. ## Example key = "2024/1/1/5/full.png" Objects.download_file(key, file_path) """ # sobelow_skip ["Traversal.FileModule"] @spec download_file(key(), Path.t()) :: :ok def download_file(key, file_path) do contents = backends() |> Enum.find_value(fn opts -> ExAws.S3.get_object(opts[:bucket], key) |> ExAws.request(opts[:config_overrides]) |> case do {:ok, result} -> result _ -> nil end end) File.write!(file_path, contents.body) end @doc """ Upload a file using a single API call, writing the contents from the given path to storage. ## Example key = "2024/1/1/5/full.png" Objects.put(key, file_path) """ # sobelow_skip ["Traversal.FileModule"] @spec put(key(), Path.t()) :: :ok def put(key, file_path) do {_, mime} = Mime.file(file_path) contents =!(file_path) run_all(fn opts -> ExAws.S3.put_object(opts[:bucket], key, contents, content_type: mime) |> ExAws.request!(opts[:config_overrides]) end) end @doc """ Upload a file using multiple API calls, writing the contents from the given path to storage. ## Example key = "2024/1/1/5/full.png" Objects.upload(key, file_path) """ @spec upload(key(), Path.t()) :: :ok def upload(key, file_path) do # Workaround for API rate limit issues on R2 put(key, file_path) end @doc """ Copies a key from the source to the destination, overwriting the destination object if its exists. > #### Warning {: .warning} > > `copy/2` does not use the `PutObjectCopy` S3 request. It downloads the file and uploads it again. > This may use more disk space than expected if the file is large. ## Example source_key = "2024/1/1/5/full.png" dest_key = "2024/1/1/5-a5323e542e0f/full.png" Objects.copy(source_key, dest_key) """ @spec copy(key(), key()) :: :ok def copy(source_key, dest_key) do # Potential workaround for inconsistent PutObjectCopy on R2 # # run_all(fn opts-> # ExAws.S3.put_object_copy(opts[:bucket], dest_key, opts[:bucket], source_key) # |> ExAws.request!(opts[:config_overrides]) # end) try do file_path = Briefly.create!() download_file(source_key, file_path) upload(dest_key, file_path) catch _kind, _value -> Logger.warning("Failed to copy #{source_key} -> #{dest_key}") end :ok end @doc """ Removes the key from storage. ## Example key = "2024/1/1/5/full.png" Objects.delete(key) """ @spec delete(key()) :: :ok def delete(key) do run_all(fn opts -> ExAws.S3.delete_object(opts[:bucket], key) |> ExAws.request!(opts[:config_overrides]) end) end @doc """ Removes all given keys from storage. ## Example keys = [ "2024/1/1/5/full.png", "2024/1/1/5/small.png", "2024/1/1/5/thumb.png", "2024/1/1/5/thumb_tiny.png" ] Objects.delete_multiple(keys) """ @spec delete_multiple([key()]) :: :ok def delete_multiple(keys) do run_all(fn opts -> ExAws.S3.delete_multiple_objects(opts[:bucket], keys) |> ExAws.request!(opts[:config_overrides]) end) end defp run_all(wrapped) do fun = fn opts -> try do wrapped.(opts) :ok catch _kind, _value -> :error end end backends() |> Task.async_stream(fun, timeout: :infinity) |> Enum.any?(fn {_, v} -> v == :error end) |> case do true -> Logger.warning("Failed to operate on all backends") _ -> :ok end :ok end defp backends do primary_opts() ++ replica_opts() end defp primary_opts do [ %{ config_overrides: Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :s3_primary_options), bucket: Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :s3_primary_bucket) } ] end defp replica_opts do replica_bucket = Application.get_env(:philomena, :s3_secondary_bucket) if not is_nil(replica_bucket) do [ %{ config_overrides: Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :s3_secondary_options), bucket: replica_bucket } ] else [] end end end