defmodule PhilomenaWeb.TopicController do use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias Philomena.{Forums.Forum, Topics, Topics.Topic, Posts, Posts.Post, Textile.Renderer} alias Philomena.Repo import Ecto.Query plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Forum, id_name: "forum_id", id_field: "short_name", persisted: true def show(conn, %{"id" => slug} = params) do forum = topic = Topic |> where(forum_id: ^, slug: ^slug, hidden_from_users: false) |> preload([:user, poll: :options]) |> conn = conn |> assign(:topic, topic) %{page_number: page} = conn.assigns.pagination page = with {post_id, _extra} <- Integer.parse(params["post_id"] || ""), [post] <- Post |> where(id: ^post_id) |> Repo.all() do div(post.topic_position, 25) + 1 else _ -> page end posts = Post |> where(topic_id: ^ |> where([p], p.topic_position >= ^(25 * (page - 1)) and p.topic_position < ^(25 * page)) |> order_by(asc: :created_at) |> preload([topic: :forum, user: [awards: :badge]]) |> Repo.all() rendered = Renderer.render_collection(posts) posts =, rendered) posts = %Scrivener.Page{ entries: posts, page_number: page, page_size: 25, total_entries: topic.post_count, total_pages: div(topic.post_count + 25 - 1, 25) } watching = Topics.subscribed?(topic, conn.assigns.current_user) changeset = %Post{} |> Posts.change_post() render(conn, "show.html", posts: posts, changeset: changeset, watching: watching) end end