defmodule Philomena.UserDownvoteWipe do alias Philomena.Images.Image alias Philomena.Images alias Philomena.ImageVotes.ImageVote alias Philomena.ImageFaves.ImageFave alias Philomena.Repo import Ecto.Query def perform(user, upvotes_and_faves_too \\ false) do ImageVote |> where(user_id: ^, up: false) |> in_batches(fn queryable, image_ids -> Repo.delete_all(where(queryable, [iv], iv.image_id in ^image_ids)) Repo.update_all(where(Image, [i], in ^image_ids), inc: [downvotes_count: -1, score: 1]) Images.reindex_images(image_ids) # Allow time for indexing to catch up :timer.sleep(:timer.seconds(10)) end) if upvotes_and_faves_too do ImageVote |> where(user_id: ^, up: true) |> in_batches(fn queryable, image_ids -> Repo.delete_all(where(queryable, [iv], iv.image_id in ^image_ids)) Repo.update_all(where(Image, [i], in ^image_ids), inc: [upvotes_count: -1, score: -1]) Images.reindex_images(image_ids) :timer.sleep(:timer.seconds(10)) end) ImageFave |> where(user_id: ^ |> in_batches(fn queryable, image_ids -> Repo.delete_all(where(queryable, [iv], iv.image_id in ^image_ids)) Repo.update_all(where(Image, [i], in ^image_ids), inc: [faves_count: -1]) Images.reindex_images(image_ids) :timer.sleep(:timer.seconds(10)) end) end end # todo: extract this to its own module somehow defp in_batches(queryable, mapper) do queryable = order_by(queryable, asc: :image_id) ids = queryable |> select([q], q.image_id) |> limit(1000) |> Repo.all() queryable |> in_batches(mapper, 1000, ids) end defp in_batches(_queryable, _mapper, _batch_size, []), do: nil defp in_batches(queryable, mapper, batch_size, ids) do mapper.(exclude(queryable, :order_by), ids) ids = queryable |> where([q], q.image_id > ^Enum.max(ids)) |> select([q], q.image_id) |> limit(^batch_size) |> Repo.all() in_batches(queryable, mapper, batch_size, ids) end end