/** * Slider Logic * * Provides functionality for * * Example usage: * * */ import { lerp } from './utils/lerp'; import { $$ } from './utils/dom'; // Make a given slider head draggable. function setupDrag(el: HTMLDivElement, dataEl: HTMLInputElement, valueProperty: string, limitProperty: string) { const parent = el.parentElement; if (!parent) { return; } // Initialize variables and constants. const inputEvent = new InputEvent('input'); let minPos = 0; let maxPos = 0; let cachedMin = 0; let cachedMax = 0; let cachedValue = 0; let cachedLimit = 0; let curValue = 0; let dragging = false; // Clamps the slider head value to not cross over the other slider head's value. function clampValue(value: number): number { if (cachedValue >= cachedLimit && value < cachedLimit) { return cachedLimit; } else if (cachedValue < cachedLimit && value >= cachedLimit) { return cachedLimit - 1; // Offset by 1 to ensure stored value is less than limit. } return value; } // Utility accessor to get the minimum value of dualrange. function getMin(): number { return Number(dataEl.getAttribute('min') || '0'); } // Utility accessor to get the maximum value of dualrange. function getMax(): number { return Number(dataEl.getAttribute('max') || '0'); } // Initializes cached variables. Should be used // when the pointer event begins. function initVars() { if (!parent) { return; } const rect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); minPos = rect.x; maxPos = rect.x + rect.width - el.clientWidth; cachedMin = getMin(); cachedMax = getMax(); cachedValue = Number(dataEl.getAttribute(valueProperty) || '0'); cachedLimit = Number(dataEl.getAttribute(limitProperty) || '0'); curValue = Number(dataEl.getAttribute(valueProperty) || '0'); } // Called during pointer movement. function dragMove(e: PointerEvent) { if (!dragging) { return; } e.preventDefault(); let desiredPos = e.clientX; // `lerp` cleverly clamps the value between min and max, // so no need for any explicit checks for that here, only // the crossover check is required. curValue = clampValue(lerp((desiredPos - minPos) / (maxPos - minPos), cachedMin, cachedMax)); // Same here, lerp clamps the value so it doesn't get out // of the slider boundary. desiredPos = lerp(curValue / cachedMax, minPos, maxPos); el.style.left = `${desiredPos}px`; dataEl.setAttribute(valueProperty, curValue.toString()); dataEl.dispatchEvent(inputEvent); } // Called when the pointer is let go of. function dragEnd(e: PointerEvent) { if (!dragging) { return; } e.preventDefault(); dataEl.setAttribute(valueProperty, curValue.toString()); dataEl.dispatchEvent(inputEvent); dragging = false; } // Called when the slider head is clicked or tapped. function dragBegin(e: PointerEvent) { if (!parent) { return; } e.preventDefault(); initVars(); dragging = true; } // Set the initial variables and position; initVars(); el.style.left = `${lerp(curValue / getMax(), minPos, maxPos)}px`; // Attach event listeners for dragging the head. el.addEventListener('pointerdown', dragBegin); window.addEventListener('pointerup', dragEnd); window.addEventListener('pointermove', dragMove); } // Sets up the slider input element. // Creates `div` elements for presentation, hides the // original `input` element. The logic is that // we use divs for presentation, and input for data storage. function setupSlider(el: HTMLInputElement) { const parent = el.parentElement; if (!parent) { return; } // Create a bunch of divs for presentation. const sliderContainer: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div'); const minHead: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div'); const maxHead: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div'); const body: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div'); // Hide the real input, and add CSS classes to our divs. el.classList.add('hidden'); sliderContainer.classList.add('slider'); minHead.classList.add('slider__head'); minHead.classList.add('slider__head--min'); maxHead.classList.add('slider__head'); maxHead.classList.add('slider__head--max'); body.classList.add('slider__body'); // Insert divs into other divs and subsequently into the document. sliderContainer.appendChild(body); sliderContainer.appendChild(minHead); sliderContainer.appendChild(maxHead); parent.insertBefore(sliderContainer, el); // Setup drag events on head elements. setupDrag(minHead, el, 'valuemin', 'valuemax'); setupDrag(maxHead, el, 'valuemax', 'valuemin'); } // Sets up all sliders currently on the page. function setupSliders() { $$('input[type="dualrange"]').forEach((el) => { setupSlider(el); }); } export { setupSliders };