/** * Graph Logic * * Scales graphs, makes graphs resizable, and stuff like that */ import { $, $$ } from './utils/dom'; function setGraphWidth(el: SVGSVGElement, width: number) { el.viewBox.baseVal.width = Math.max(width, 0); const graph: SVGPathElement | null = $('#js-graph', el); if (graph) { graph.style.transform = `scaleX(${Math.max(width, 0) / 375})`; } } function graphSlice(el: SVGSVGElement, width: number, offset: number) { setGraphWidth(el, width); el.viewBox.baseVal.x = Math.max(offset, 0); } function resizeGraphs() { $$('#js-graph-svg').forEach((el) => { const parent: HTMLElement | null = el.parentElement; if (parent) { setGraphWidth(el, parent.clientWidth); } }); } function scaleGraph(target: HTMLElement, min: number, max: number) { const targetSvg = $('#js-graph-svg', target); if (!targetSvg) return; const cw = target.clientWidth; const diff = 100 - (max - min); const targetWidth = cw + cw * (diff / 100); const targetOffset = targetWidth * (min / 100); targetSvg.style.minWidth = `${targetWidth}px`; graphSlice(targetSvg, targetWidth, targetOffset); } function setupSliders() { $$('#js-graph-slider').forEach((el) => { const targetId = el.getAttribute('data-target'); if (!targetId) return; const target = $(targetId); if (!target) return; el.addEventListener('input', () => { const min = Number(el.getAttribute('valuemin') || '0'); const max = Number(el.getAttribute('valuemax') || '0'); scaleGraph(target, min, max); }); }); } function sizeGraphs() { resizeGraphs(); setupSliders(); window.addEventListener('resize', resizeGraphs); } export { sizeGraphs };