/** * Hamburger menu. */ import { $, $$ } from './utils/dom'; import { assertNotNull } from './utils/assert'; function switchClasses(element: HTMLElement, oldClass: string, newClass: string) { element.classList.remove(oldClass); element.classList.add(newClass); } function open(burger: HTMLElement, content: HTMLElement, body: HTMLElement, root: HTMLElement) { switchClasses(content, 'close', 'open'); switchClasses(burger, 'close', 'open'); root.classList.add('no-overflow-x'); body.classList.add('no-overflow'); } function close(burger: HTMLElement, content: HTMLElement, body: HTMLElement, root: HTMLElement) { switchClasses(content, 'open', 'close'); switchClasses(burger, 'open', 'close'); /* the CSS animation closing the menu finishes in 300ms */ setTimeout(() => { root.classList.remove('no-overflow-x'); body.classList.remove('no-overflow'); }, 300); } function copyUserLinksTo(burger: HTMLElement) { const copy = (links: HTMLCollection) => { burger.appendChild(document.createElement('hr')); for (const link of links) { const burgerLink = link.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement; burgerLink.className = ''; burger.appendChild(burgerLink); } }; $$('.js-burger-links').forEach((container) => copy(container.children)); } export function setupBurgerMenu() { // Burger menu should exist on all pages. const burger = assertNotNull($('#burger')); const toggle = assertNotNull($('#js-burger-toggle')); const content = assertNotNull($('#container')); const body = document.body; const root = document.documentElement; copyUserLinksTo(burger); toggle.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (content.classList.contains('open')) { close(burger, content, body, root); } else { open(burger, content, body, root); } }); content.addEventListener('click', () => { if (content.classList.contains('open')) { close(burger, content, body, root); } }); }