defmodule Philomena.Autocomplete do @moduledoc """ Pregenerated autocomplete files. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Philomena.Repo alias Philomena.Tags.Tag alias Philomena.Images.Tagging alias Philomena.Autocomplete.Autocomplete @type tags_list() :: [{String.t(), number(), number()}] @type assoc_map() :: %{String.t() => [number()]} @spec get_autocomplete() :: Autocomplete.t() | nil def get_autocomplete do Autocomplete |> order_by(desc: :created_at) |> limit(1) |> end def generate_autocomplete! do tags = get_tags() associations = get_associations(tags) # Tags are already sorted, so just add them to the file directly # # struct tag { # uint8_t key_length; # uint8_t key[]; # uint8_t association_length; # uint32_t associations[]; # }; # # struct tag_reference { # uint32_t tag_location; # uint32_t num_uses; # }; # {ac_file, references} = Enum.reduce(tags, {<<>>, <<>>}, fn {name, images_count, _}, {file, references} -> pos = byte_size(file) assn = Map.get(associations, name, []) assn_bin = for id <- assn, into: <<>>, do: <<id::32-little>> { <<file::binary, byte_size(name)::8, name::binary, length(assn)::8, assn_bin::binary>>, <<references::binary, pos::32-little, images_count::32-little>> } end) ac_file = int32_align(ac_file) reference_start = byte_size(ac_file) # Finally add the reference start and number of tags in the footer # # struct autocomplete_file { # struct tag tags[]; # struct tag_reference references[]; # uint32_t format_version; # uint32_t reference_start; # uint32_t num_tags; # }; # ac_file = <<ac_file::binary, references::binary, 1::32-little, reference_start::32-little, length(tags)::32-little>> # Insert the autocomplete binary new_ac = %Autocomplete{} |> Autocomplete.changeset(%{content: ac_file}) |> Repo.insert!() # Remove anything older Autocomplete |> where([ac], ac.created_at < ^new_ac.created_at) |> Repo.delete_all() end # # Get the names of tags and their number of uses as a map. # Sort is done in the application to avoid collation. # @spec get_tags() :: tags_list() defp get_tags do Tag |> select([t], {, t.images_count,}) |> where([t], t.images_count > 0) |> order_by(desc: :images_count) |> limit(65_535) |> Repo.all() |> Enum.filter(fn {name, _, _} -> byte_size(name) < 255 end) |> Enum.sort() end # # Get up to eight associated tag ids for each returned tag. # @spec get_associations(tags_list()) :: assoc_map() defp get_associations(tags) do tags |> {name, images_count, id} -> # Randomly sample 100 images with this tag image_sample = Tagging |> where(tag_id: ^id) |> select([it], it.image_id) |> order_by(asc: fragment("random()")) |> limit(100) # Select the tags from those images which have more uses than # the current one being considered, and overlap more than 50% assoc_ids = Tagging |> join(:inner, [it], _ in assoc(it, :tag)) |> where([_, t], t.images_count > ^images_count) |> where([it, _], it.image_id in subquery(image_sample)) |> group_by([_, t], |> order_by(desc: fragment("count(*)")) |> having([_, t], fragment("(100 * count(*)::float / LEAST(?, 100)) > 50", ^images_count)) |> select([_, t], |> limit(8) |> Repo.all(timeout: 120_000) {name, assoc_ids} end) |> end # # Right-pad a binary to be a multiple of 4 bytes. # @spec int32_align(binary()) :: binary() defp int32_align(bin) do pad_bits = 8 * (4 - rem(byte_size(bin), 4)) <<bin::binary, 0::size(pad_bits)>> end end