/** * FP version 4 * * Not reliant on deprecated properties, * and potentially more accurate at what it's supposed to do. */ import { $ } from './utils/dom'; import store from './utils/store'; interface RealKeyboard { getLayoutMap: () => Promise> } interface RealUserAgentData { brands: [{brand: string, version: string}], mobile: boolean, platform: string, } interface RealNavigator extends Navigator { deviceMemory: number | null, keyboard: RealKeyboard | null, userAgentData: RealUserAgentData | null, } /** * Creates a 53-bit long hash of a string. * * @param {string} str The string to hash. * @param {number} seed The seed to use for hash generation. * @return {number} The resulting hash as a 53-bit number. * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/8831937} */ function cyrb53(str: string, seed: number = 0x16fe7b0a): number { let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed; let h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed; for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(i); h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761); h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677); } h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ h1 >>> 16, 2246822507); h1 ^= Math.imul(h2 ^ h2 >>> 13, 3266489909); h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ h2 >>> 16, 2246822507); h2 ^= Math.imul(h1 ^ h1 >>> 13, 3266489909); return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0); } /** Creates a semi-unique string from browser attributes. * * @async * @return {Promise} Hexadecimally encoded 53 bit number padded to 7 bytes. */ async function createFp(): Promise { const nav = navigator as RealNavigator; let kb = 'none'; let mem = '1'; let ua = 'none'; if (nav.keyboard) { kb = Array.from((await nav.keyboard.getLayoutMap()).entries()).sort().map(e => `${e[0]}${e[1]}`).join(''); } if (nav.deviceMemory) { mem = nav.deviceMemory.toString(); } if (nav.userAgentData) { const uadata = nav.userAgentData; let brands = 'none'; if (uadata.brands && uadata.brands.length > 0) { brands = uadata.brands.filter(e => !e.brand.match(/.*ot.*rand.*/gi)).map(e => `${e.brand}${e.version}`).join(''); } ua = `${brands}${uadata.mobile}${uadata.platform}`; } let width: string | null = store.get('cached_rem_size'); const body = $('body'); if (!width && body) { const testElement = document.createElement('span'); testElement.style.minWidth = '1rem'; testElement.style.maxWidth = '1rem'; testElement.style.position = 'absolute'; body.appendChild(testElement); width = testElement.clientWidth.toString(); body.removeChild(testElement); store.set('cached_rem_size', width); } if (!width) { width = '0'; } const prints: string[] = [ navigator.userAgent, navigator.hardwareConcurrency.toString(), navigator.maxTouchPoints.toString(), navigator.language, kb, mem, ua, width, screen.height.toString(), screen.width.toString(), screen.colorDepth.toString(), screen.pixelDepth.toString(), window.devicePixelRatio.toString(), new Date().getTimezoneOffset().toString(), ]; return cyrb53(prints.join('')).toString(16).padStart(14, '0'); } /** * Sets the `_ses` cookie. * * If `cached_ses_value` is present in local storage, uses it to set the `_ses` cookie. * Otherwise if the `_ses` cookie already exits, uses its value instead. * Otherwise attempts to generate a new value for the `_ses` cookie * based on various browser attributes. * Failing all previous methods, sets the `_ses` cookie to a fallback value. * * @async */ export async function setSesCookie() { let fp: string | null = store.get('cached_ses_value'); if (!fp) { const m = document.cookie.match(/_ses=([a-f0-9]+)/); if (m && m[1]) { fp = m[1]; } } if (!fp || fp.charAt(0) !== 'd' || fp.length !== 15) { // The prepended 'd' acts as a crude versioning mechanism. try { fp = `d${await createFp()}`; } // If it fails, use fakeprint "d015c342859dde3" as a last resort. catch { fp = 'd015c342859dde3'; } store.set('cached_ses_value', fp); } document.cookie = `_ses=${fp}; path=/; SameSite=Lax`; }