defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Sha512 do @moduledoc """ Streaming SHA-512 processor. """ @chunk_size 10_485_760 @doc """ Generate the SHA2-512 hash of the file at the given path as a string. The file is processed in 10MiB chunks. ## Example iex> Sha512.file("image.png") "97fd5243cd39e225f1478097acae71fbbff7f3027b24f0e6a8e06a0d7d3e6861cd05691d7470c76e7dfc4eb30459a906918d5ba0d144184fff02b8e34bd9ecf8" """ @spec file(Path.t()) :: String.t() def file(path) do hash_ref = :crypto.hash_init(:sha512) path |> stream_file() |> Enum.reduce(hash_ref, &:crypto.hash_update(&2, &1)) |> :crypto.hash_final() |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) end if Version.match?(System.version(), ">= 1.16.0") do # `stream!/2` was added in Elixir 1.16 to accept a shortened form, # where we only need to specify the size of each stream chunk defp stream_file(file) do!(file, @chunk_size) end else # Use legacy stream/3 for older Elixir versions defp stream_file(file) do!(file, [], @chunk_size) end end end