defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Analyzers.Result do @moduledoc """ The analysis result. - `:animated?` - whether the media file is animated - `:dimensions` - the maximum dimensions of the media file, as `{width, height}` - `:duration` - the maximum duration of the media file, or 0 if not applicable - `:extension` - the file extension the media file should take, based on its contents - `:mime_type` - the MIME type the media file should take, based on its contents ## Example %Result{ animated?: false, dimensions: {800, 600}, duration: 0.0, extension: "png", mime_type: "image/png" } """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ animated?: boolean(), dimensions: {integer(), integer()}, duration: float(), extension: String.t(), mime_type: String.t() } defstruct animated?: false, dimensions: {0, 0}, duration: 0.0, extension: "", mime_type: "application/octet-stream" end