= form_for @changeset, Routes.forum_topic_path(@conn, :create, @forum), fn f ->
  = if @changeset.action do
      p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.

      a.selected href="#" data-click-tab="write"
        ' Create a Topic

      a href="#" data-click-tab="preview"
        ' Preview

    .block__tab.communication-edit__tab.selected data-tab="write"
        = text_input f, :title, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Title"
        = error_tag f, :title
        = error_tag f, :slug

      = inputs_for f, :posts, fn fp ->
          = render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
          = render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn
          = textarea fp, :body, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Please read the site rules before posting and use [spoiler][/spoiler] for NSFW stuff in SFW forums.", required: true
          = error_tag fp, :body

      = if @conn.assigns.current_user do
          => checkbox f, :anonymous, value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn)
          = label f, :anonymous, "Post anonymously"

      = inputs_for f, :poll, fn fp ->
          input.toggle-box id="add_poll" name="add_poll" type="checkbox"
          label for="add_poll" Add a poll
              ' Polls may have a maximum of
              span.js-max-option-count> 20
              ' options. Leave any options you don't want to use blank.
              ' Only registered users will be able to vote.

              = text_input fp, :title, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "Poll title", maxlength: 140
              = error_tag fp, :title
              ' End date
              = text_input fp, :until, class: "input input--wide", placeholder: "2 weeks from now", maxlength: 255
              = error_tag fp, :until
              = error_tag fp, :active_until
              ' Specify when the poll should end. Once the poll ends, no more
              ' votes can be cast and the final results will be displayed. Good
              ' values to try are "1 week from now" and "24 hours from now". Polls
              ' must last for at least 24 hours.
              ' Voting method:

              = select fp, :vote_method, ["-": "", "Single option": :single, "Multiple options": :multiple], class: "input"
              = error_tag fp, :vote_method
            = inputs_for fp, :options, fn fo ->
                = text_input fo, :label, class: "input flex__grow js-option-label", placeholder: "Option"
                = error_tag fo, :label

                  a.js-option-remove href="#"
                    ' Delete

            button.button.js-poll-add-option type="button"
              ' Add option

    .block__tab.communication-edit__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
      ' [Loading preview...]

      = submit "Post", class: "button", data: [disable_with: raw("Posting…")]