import { $, $$, removeEl} from './utils/dom'; import { delegate, leftClick } from './utils/events'; function pollOptionRemover(_event, target) { removeEl(target.closest('.js-poll-option')); } function pollOptionCreator() { const addPollOptionButton = $('.js-poll-add-option'); delegate(document, 'click', { '.js-option-remove': leftClick(pollOptionRemover) }); if (!addPollOptionButton) { return; } const form = addPollOptionButton.closest('form'); const maxOptionCount = parseInt($('.js-max-option-count', form).innerHTML, 10); addPollOptionButton.addEventListener('click', e => { e.preventDefault(); let existingOptionCount = $$('.js-poll-option', form).length; if (existingOptionCount < maxOptionCount) { // The element right before the add button will always be the last field, make a copy const prevFieldCopy = addPollOptionButton.previousElementSibling.cloneNode(true); const newHtml = prevFieldCopy.outerHTML.replace(/(\d+)/g, `${existingOptionCount}`); // Insert copy before the button addPollOptionButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', newHtml); existingOptionCount++; } // Remove the button if we reached the max number of options if (existingOptionCount >= maxOptionCount) { removeEl(addPollOptionButton); } }); } export { pollOptionCreator };