/** * Fetch and display preview images for various image upload forms. */ import { fetchJson, handleError } from './utils/requests'; import { $, $$, hideEl, showEl, makeEl, clearEl } from './utils/dom'; import { addTag } from './tagsinput'; const MATROSKA_MAGIC = 0x1a45dfa3; function scrapeUrl(url) { return fetchJson('POST', '/images/scrape', { url }) .then(handleError) .then(response => response.json()); } function elementForEmbeddedImage({ camo_url }) { // The upload was fetched from the scraper and is a path name if (typeof camo_url === 'string') { return makeEl('img', { className: 'scraper-preview--image', src: camo_url }); } // The upload was fetched from a file input and is an ArrayBuffer const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([camo_url])); const tagName = new DataView(camo_url).getUint32(0) === MATROSKA_MAGIC ? 'video' : 'img'; return makeEl(tagName, { className: 'scraper-preview--image', src: objectUrl }); } function setupImageUpload() { const imgPreviews = $('#js-image-upload-previews'); if (!imgPreviews) return; const form = imgPreviews.closest('form'); const [ fileField, remoteUrl, scraperError ] = $$('.js-scraper', form); const [ sourceEl, tagsEl, descrEl ] = $$('.js-image-input', form); const fetchButton = $('#js-scraper-preview'); if (!fetchButton) return; function showImages(images) { clearEl(imgPreviews); images.forEach((image, index) => { const img = elementForEmbeddedImage(image); const imgWrap = makeEl('span', { className: 'scraper-preview--image-wrapper' }); imgWrap.appendChild(img); const label = makeEl('label', { className: 'scraper-preview--label' }); const radio = makeEl('input', { type: 'radio', className: 'scraper-preview--input', }); if (image.url) { radio.name = 'scraper_cache'; radio.value = image.url; } if (index === 0) { radio.checked = true; } label.appendChild(radio); label.appendChild(imgWrap); imgPreviews.appendChild(label); }); } function showError() { clearEl(imgPreviews); showEl(scraperError); enableFetch(); } function hideError() { hideEl(scraperError); } function disableFetch() { fetchButton.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } function enableFetch() { fetchButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener('load', event => { showImages([{ camo_url: event.target.result, }]); // Clear any currently cached data, because the file field // has higher priority than the scraper: remoteUrl.value = ''; disableFetch(); hideError(); }); // Watch for files added to the form fileField.addEventListener('change', () => { fileField.files.length && reader.readAsArrayBuffer(fileField.files[0]); }); // Watch for [Fetch] clicks fetchButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!remoteUrl.value) return; disableFetch(); scrapeUrl(remoteUrl.value).then(data => { if (data === null) { scraperError.innerText = 'No image found at that address.'; showError(); return; } else if (data.errors && data.errors.length > 0) { scraperError.innerText = data.errors.join(' '); showError(); return; } hideError(); // Set source if (sourceEl) sourceEl.value = sourceEl.value || data.source_url || ''; // Set description if (descrEl) descrEl.value = descrEl.value || data.description || ''; // Add author if (tagsEl && data.author_name) addTag(tagsEl, `artist:${data.author_name.toLowerCase()}`); // Clear selected file, if any fileField.value = ''; showImages(data.images); enableFetch(); }).catch(showError); }); // Fetch on "enter" in url field remoteUrl.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { // Hit enter fetchButton.click(); } }); // Enable/disable the fetch button based on content in the image scraper. Fetching with no URL makes no sense. remoteUrl.addEventListener('input', () => { if (remoteUrl.value.length > 0) { enableFetch(); } else { disableFetch(); } }); if (remoteUrl.value.length > 0) { enableFetch(); } else { disableFetch(); } // Catch unintentional navigation away from the page function beforeUnload(event) { // Chrome requires returnValue to be set event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = ''; } function registerBeforeUnload() { window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload); } function unregisterBeforeUnload() { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload); } fileField.addEventListener('change', registerBeforeUnload); fetchButton.addEventListener('click', registerBeforeUnload); form.addEventListener('submit', unregisterBeforeUnload); } export { setupImageUpload };