@import "themes/base/light"; $background-color: #ffffff; $page-background-color: #f8fafc; $foreground-color: #333333; $base-color: #40c5c9; $primary-color: #c1f6f9; $success-color: #bde9a3; $danger-color: #ebc0bb; $warning-color: #eee9bc; $link-color: #10a3ad; $link-hover-color: #9273d0; $fave-color: #c4b246; $vote-up-color: #67af2b; $vote-down-color: #cf0001; $hide-color: #cf0001; $destroyed-content-color: #ffdcdc; $assistant-color: #eeceed; $unread-message-color: #ff8800; $tag-normal-color: #6f8f0e; $tag-category-rating-color: #267ead; $tag-category-spoiler-color: #c24523; $tag-category-origin-color: #393f85; $tag-category-oc-color: #9852a3; $tag-category-error-color: #ad263f; $tag-category-character-color: #2d8677; $tag-category-content-official-color: #998e1a; $tag-category-content-fanmade-color: #bb5496; $tag-category-species-color: #8b552f; $tag-category-body-type-color: #4e4e4e; $commission-category-color: #986f3d; $image-overlay-color: #ffffff; $image-overlay-background-color: #000000; @mixin light-theme-mutations; /* Put any color variable overrides here. * * Note: due to (probably unintentional) behavior of Vite, * this needs to contain something unique that the other * themes do not have, as Vite does not compile what it considers * "inputs with identical contents", and it does not seem to care * about differences in $variables. So please change something about * the value below, or make up a random variable if you're not changing * any color variables here. */ :root { --keep: #aaaaaa; }