defmodule PhilomenaWeb.AppView do use Phoenix.HTML @time_strings %{ seconds: "less than a minute", minute: "about a minute", minutes: "%d minutes", hour: "about an hour", hours: "about %d hours", day: "a day", days: "%d days", month: "about a month", months: "%d months", year: "about a year", years: "%d years" } @months %{ 1 => "January", 2 => "February", 3 => "March", 4 => "April", 5 => "May", 6 => "June", 7 => "July", 8 => "August", 9 => "September", 10 => "October", 11 => "November", 12 => "December" } def pretty_time(time) do now = DateTime.utc_now() seconds = DateTime.diff(now, time, :second) relation = if seconds < 0, do: "from now", else: "ago" words = distance_of_time_in_words(now, time) content_tag(:time, "#{words} #{relation}", datetime: DateTime.to_iso8601(time), title: datetime_string(time) ) end def tag_list(image) do Philomena.Images.tag_list(image) end def distance_of_time_in_words(time_2, time_1) do seconds = abs(DateTime.diff(time_2, time_1, :second)) minutes = div(seconds, 60) hours = div(minutes, 60) days = div(hours, 24) months = div(days, 30) years = div(days, 365) cond do seconds < 45 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:seconds], "%d", to_string(seconds)) seconds < 90 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:minute], "%d", to_string(1)) minutes < 45 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:minutes], "%d", to_string(minutes)) minutes < 90 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:hour], "%d", to_string(1)) hours < 24 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:hours], "%d", to_string(hours)) hours < 42 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:day], "%d", to_string(1)) days < 30 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:days], "%d", to_string(days)) days < 45 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:month], "%d", to_string(1)) days < 365 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:months], "%d", to_string(months)) days < 548 -> String.replace(@time_strings[:year], "%d", to_string(1)) true -> String.replace(@time_strings[:years], "%d", to_string(years)) end end def can?(conn, action, model) do Canada.Can.can?(conn.assigns.current_user, action, model) end def map_join(enumerable, joiner, map_fn) do enumerable |> |> Enum.intersperse(joiner) end def number_with_delimiter(nil), do: "0" def number_with_delimiter(number) do number |> to_charlist() |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.chunk_every(3) |> |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.join(",") end def pluralize(singular, plural, count) do if count == 1 do singular else plural end end def button_to(text, route, args \\ []) do method = Keyword.get(args, :method, "get") class = Keyword.get(args, :class, nil) data = Keyword.get(args, :data, []) form_for(nil, route, [method: method, class: "button_to"], fn _f -> submit(text, class: class, data: data) end) end def escape_nl2br(nil), do: nil # Everything is escaped before being sent to raw/1 # sobelow_skip ["XSS.Raw"] def escape_nl2br(text) do text |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.map_intersperse("<br />", &safe_to_string(html_escape(&1))) |> raw() end defp datetime_string(time) do :io_lib.format("~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0B, ~s ~B, ~B", [ time.hour, time.minute, time.second, @months[time.month],, time.year ]) |> to_string() end def link_to_ip(_conn, nil), do: content_tag(:code, "null") def link_to_ip(_conn, ip) do link(to: "/ip_profiles/#{ip}") do [ content_tag(:i, "", class: "fas fa-network-wired"), " ", to_string(ip) ] end end def link_to_fingerprint(_conn, nil), do: content_tag(:code, "null") def link_to_fingerprint(_conn, fp) do link(to: "/fingerprint_profiles/#{fp}") do [ content_tag(:i, "", class: "fas fa-desktop"), " ", String.slice(fp, 0..6) ] end end def communication_body_class(%{destroyed_content: true}), do: "communication--destroyed" def communication_body_class(_communication), do: nil def can_view_communication?(conn, communication) do user_id = case conn.assigns.current_user do nil -> -1 user -> end cond do can?(conn, :hide, communication) and not hide_staff_tools?(conn) -> true communication.destroyed_content -> false not communication.approved and communication.user_id != user_id -> false true -> true end end def hide_staff_tools?(conn), do: conn.cookies["hide_staff_tools"] == "true" def blank?(nil), do: true def blank?(""), do: true def blank?([]), do: true def blank?(map) when is_map(map), do: map == %{} def blank?(str) when is_binary(str), do: String.trim(str) == "" def blank?(_object), do: false def present?(object), do: not blank?(object) # This and related functions are taken from # # Copied due to the package no longer being actively updated # and screwing up our dependencies. # Credit goes to the respective authors. def collection_checkboxes(form, field, collection, opts \\ []) do name = input_name(form, field) <> "[]" selected = Keyword.get(opts, :selected, []) input_opts = Keyword.get(opts, :input_opts, []) label_opts = Keyword.get(opts, :label_opts, []) mapper = Keyword.get(opts, :mapper, &mapper_unwrapped/6) wrapper = Keyword.get(opts, :wrapper, & &1) inputs =, fn {label_content, value} -> id = input_id(form, field) <> "_#{value}" input_opts = input_opts |> Keyword.put(:type, "checkbox") |> Keyword.put(:id, id) |> Keyword.put(:name, name) |> Keyword.put(:value, "#{value}") |> put_selected(selected, value) label_opts = label_opts ++ [for: id] mapper.(form, field, input_opts, label_content, label_opts, opts) |> wrapper.() end) html_escape( inputs ++ hidden_input(form, field, name: name, value: "") ) end defp put_selected(opts, selected, value) do if Enum.member?(selected, value) do Keyword.put(opts, :checked, true) else opts end end defp mapper_unwrapped(form, field, input_opts, label_content, label_opts, _opts) do [ tag(:input, input_opts), label(form, field, "#{label_content}", label_opts) ] end def image_has_sources(image), do: Enum.count(image.sources) > 0 def image_first_source(image) do if image_has_sources(image), do:, 0).source, else: "" end def get_flash(%{assigns: %{flash: nil}}), do: %{} def get_flash(%{assigns: %{flash: flash}}), do: flash def get_flash(_), do: %{} def get_flash(%{assigns: %{flash: nil}}, _key), do: %{} def get_flash(%{assigns: %{flash: flash}}, key), do: Phoenix.Flash.get(flash, key) def get_flash(_, _key), do: %{} end