defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ReportController do use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias Philomena.Polymorphic alias Philomena.Reports.Report alias Philomena.Reports alias Philomena.Repo import Ecto.Query def index(conn, _params) do user = conn.assigns.current_user reports = Report |> where(user_id: ^ |> order_by(desc: :created_at) |> Repo.paginate(conn.assigns.scrivener) polymorphic = reports |> Polymorphic.load_polymorphic(reportable: [reportable_id: :reportable_type]) reports = %{reports | entries: polymorphic} render(conn, "index.html", title: "My Reports", reports: reports) end # Make sure that you load the resource in your controller: # # plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterBannedUsersPlug # plug PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionPlug # plug PhilomenaWeb.CaptchaPlug # plug PhilomenaWeb.CheckCaptchaPlug when action in [:create] # plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Image, id_name: "image_id", persisted: true def create(conn, action, reportable, reportable_type, %{"report" => report_params}) do attribution = conn.assigns.attributes case too_many_reports?(conn) do true -> conn |> put_flash( :warning, "You may not have more than #{max_reports()} open reports at a time. Did you read the reporting tips?" ) |> redirect(to: "/") _falsy -> case Reports.create_report(, reportable_type, attribution, report_params) do {:ok, _report} -> conn |> put_flash( :alert, "Your report has been received and will be checked by staff shortly." ) |> redirect(to: redirect_path(conn, conn.assigns.current_user)) {:error, changeset} -> # Note that we are depending on the controller that called # us to have set up the view already (Phoenix does this) conn |> render("new.html", reportable: reportable, changeset: changeset, action: action) end end end defp too_many_reports?(conn) do user = conn.assigns.current_user case user do %{role: role} when role != "user" -> false _user -> too_many_reports_user?(user) or too_many_reports_ip?(conn) end end defp too_many_reports_user?(nil), do: false defp too_many_reports_user?(user) do reports_open = Report |> where(user_id: ^ |> where([r], r.state in ["open", "in_progress"]) |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) reports_open >= max_reports() end defp too_many_reports_ip?(conn) do attribution = conn.assigns.attributes reports_open = Report |> where(ip: ^attribution[:ip]) |> where([r], r.state in ["open", "in_progress"]) |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) reports_open >= max_reports() end defp redirect_path(_conn, nil), do: "/" defp redirect_path(conn, _user), do: Routes.report_path(conn, :index) defp max_reports do 3 end end