defmodule PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Jpeg do @moduledoc false alias PhilomenaMedia.Intensities alias PhilomenaMedia.Analyzers.Result alias PhilomenaMedia.Processors.Processor alias PhilomenaMedia.Processors @behaviour Processor @exit_success 0 @exit_warning 2 @spec versions(Processors.version_list()) :: [Processors.version_filename()] def versions(sizes) do, fn {name, _} -> "#{name}.jpg" end) end @spec process(Result.t(), Path.t(), Processors.version_list()) :: Processors.edit_script() def process(_analysis, file, versions) do stripped = optimize(strip(file)) {:ok, intensities} = Intensities.file(stripped) scaled = Enum.flat_map(versions, &scale(stripped, &1)) [ replace_original: stripped, intensities: intensities, thumbnails: scaled ] end @spec post_process(Result.t(), Path.t()) :: Processors.edit_script() def post_process(_analysis, _file), do: [] @spec intensities(Result.t(), Path.t()) :: Intensities.t() def intensities(_analysis, file) do {:ok, intensities} = Intensities.file(file) intensities end defp requires_lossy_transformation?(file) do with {output, 0} <- System.cmd("identify", ["-format", "%[orientation]\t%[profile:icc]", file]), [orientation, profile] <- String.split(output, "\t") do orientation not in ["Undefined", "TopLeft"] or profile != "" else _ -> true end end defp strip(file) do stripped = Briefly.create!(extname: ".jpg") # ImageMagick always reencodes the image, resulting in quality loss, so # be more clever case requires_lossy_transformation?(file) do true -> # Transcode: strip EXIF, embedded profile and reorient image {_output, 0} = System.cmd("convert", [ file, "-profile", srgb_profile(), "-auto-orient", "-strip", stripped ]) _ -> # Transmux only: Strip EXIF without touching orientation validate_return(System.cmd("jpegtran", ["-copy", "none", "-outfile", stripped, file])) end stripped end defp optimize(file) do optimized = Briefly.create!(extname: ".jpg") validate_return(System.cmd("jpegtran", ["-optimize", "-outfile", optimized, file])) optimized end defp scale(file, {thumb_name, {width, height}}) do scaled = Briefly.create!(extname: ".jpg") scale_filter = "scale=w=#{width}:h=#{height}:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease" {_output, 0} = System.cmd("ffmpeg", [ "-loglevel", "0", "-y", "-i", file, "-vf", scale_filter, "-q:v", "1", scaled ]) {_output, 0} = System.cmd("jpegtran", ["-optimize", "-outfile", scaled, scaled]) [{:copy, scaled, "#{thumb_name}.jpg"}] end defp srgb_profile do Path.join(File.cwd!(), "priv/icc/sRGB.icc") end defp validate_return({_output, ret}) when ret in [@exit_success, @exit_warning] do :ok end end