/*! \file actions.c * \brief Level actions for Timeline Manager. */ /* * Copyright (c) Sebastian Krzyszkowiak * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "actions.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "../level.h" bool LevelFailed(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) { TM_AddBackgroundAction(&FadeOut, NULL, 3000, "fadeout"); } else if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) { al_draw_filled_rectangle(0, 0, al_get_display_width(game->display), al_get_display_height(game->display), al_map_rgba(0,0,0,100)); al_draw_text_with_shadow(game->menu.font_title, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), al_get_display_width(game->display)*0.5, al_get_display_height(game->display)*0.4, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, "Failed!"); game->level.speed-=0.00001; return false; } return true; } bool Accelerate(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; game->level.speed+=0.000015; if (game->level.speed<0.0025) return false; return true; } bool Walk(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) action->arguments = NULL; if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; if (!(action->arguments)) SelectDerpySpritesheet(game, "walk"); action->arguments++; game->level.derpy_x+=tps(game, 60*0.001); if (game->level.derpy_x<0.05) return false; return true; } bool Move(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; game->level.speed=0.00035; if (game->level.st_pos<0.275) return false; return true; } bool ShowMeter(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; game->level.meter_alpha+=tps(game, 60*4); if (game->level.meter_alpha>=255) { game->level.meter_alpha=255; return true; } return false; } bool Fly(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) action->arguments = NULL; if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; if (!(action->arguments)) { SelectDerpySpritesheet(game, "fly"); /*game->level.gg = true;*/ TM_AddBackgroundAction(&ShowMeter, NULL, 0, "showmeter"); } action->arguments++; game->level.derpy_y-=tps(game, 60*0.004); if (game->level.derpy_y>0.2) return false; game->level.handle_input=true; return true; } bool GenerateObstacles(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { /*float* tmp; bool* in;*/ int* count; if (!action->arguments) { action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, malloc(sizeof(int))); /* action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, malloc(sizeof(bool))); */ } count = (int*)action->arguments->value; /*tmp = (float*)action->arguments->value; in = (bool*)action->arguments->next->value;*/ if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) { *count = 0; /* *tmp = 0; *in = true;*/ } else if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) { if (rand()%(10000/(int)tps(game, 60*85*game->level.speed_modifier))<=2) { PrintConsole(game, "OBSTACLE %d", *count); (*count)++; struct Obstacle *obst = malloc(sizeof(struct Obstacle)); obst->prev = NULL; obst->x = 100; obst->y = (rand()%91)-1; obst->speed = 1; obst->points = -10; obst->hit = false; obst->rows = 1; obst->cols = 1; obst->pos = 0; obst->blanks = 0; obst->anim_speed = 0; obst->tmp_pos = 0; obst->angle = 0; if (rand()%100<=50) { obst->callback= NULL; obst->data = NULL; obst->points = -5; obst->bitmap = &(game->level.obst_bmps.badmuffin); obst->speed = 1.2; } else if (rand()%100<=12) { obst->callback= &Obst_RotateSin; obst->data = malloc(sizeof(float)); *((float*)obst->data) = 0; obst->points = 5; obst->bitmap = &(game->level.obst_bmps.muffin); } else if (rand()%100<=70) { obst->callback= &Obst_MoveUp; obst->bitmap = &(game->level.obst_bmps.pie); obst->data = malloc(sizeof(float)); *((float*)obst->data) = 0.5+(rand()%25/100.0); obst->y*=1.8; obst->angle = ((rand()%50)/100.0)-0.25; } else if (rand()%100<=70) { obst->callback = &Obst_MoveSin; obst->data = malloc(sizeof(float)); *((float*)obst->data) = 0; obst->bitmap = &(game->level.obst_bmps.pig); obst->rows = 3; obst->cols = 3; obst->speed = 1.2; obst->anim_speed = 2; obst->points = -20; } else { obst->callback = &Obst_MoveUpDown; obst->bitmap = &(game->level.obst_bmps.screwball); obst->data = (void*)(rand()%2); obst->rows = 4; obst->cols = 4; obst->speed = 1.2; obst->anim_speed = 2; obst->points = -25; } if (game->level.obstacles) { game->level.obstacles->prev = obst; obst->next = game->level.obstacles; } else { obst->next = NULL; } game->level.obstacles = obst; if (*count > 128) return true; } } else { free(action->arguments->value); TM_DestroyArgs(action->arguments); action->arguments = NULL; } return false; } bool Stop(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; game->level.speed=0; SelectDerpySpritesheet(game, "stand"); return true; } bool Letter(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state != TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) return false; al_draw_text_with_shadow(game->menu.font_title, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), al_get_display_width(game->display)*0.5, al_get_display_height(game->display)*0.45, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, "Letter from Twilight"); struct ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_STATE keyboard; al_get_keyboard_state(&keyboard); if (al_key_down(&keyboard, ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER)) { return true; } return false; } bool FadeIn(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (!action->arguments) { action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, malloc(sizeof(float))); action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, (void*)al_create_bitmap(al_get_display_width(game->display), al_get_display_height(game->display))); } float* fadeloop; ALLEGRO_BITMAP* fade_bitmap; fadeloop = (float*)action->arguments->value; fade_bitmap = (ALLEGRO_BITMAP*)action->arguments->next->value; if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) { *fadeloop = 255; al_set_target_bitmap(fade_bitmap); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(game->display)); } else if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) { al_draw_tinted_bitmap(fade_bitmap,al_map_rgba_f(1,1,1,*fadeloop/255.0),0,0,0); *fadeloop-=tps(game, 600); if (*fadeloop<=0) return true; } else { al_destroy_bitmap(fade_bitmap); free(fadeloop); TM_DestroyArgs(action->arguments); action->arguments = NULL; al_play_sample_instance(game->level.music); } return false; } bool FadeOut(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (!action->arguments) { action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, malloc(sizeof(float))); action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, (void*)al_create_bitmap(al_get_display_width(game->display), al_get_display_height(game->display))); } float* fadeloop; ALLEGRO_BITMAP* fade_bitmap; fadeloop = (float*)action->arguments->value; fade_bitmap = (ALLEGRO_BITMAP*)action->arguments->next->value; if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) { *fadeloop = 0; al_set_target_bitmap(fade_bitmap); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(game->display)); } else if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) { al_draw_tinted_bitmap(fade_bitmap,al_map_rgba_f(1,1,1,*fadeloop/255.0),0,0,0); *fadeloop+=tps(game, 600); if (*fadeloop>=256) return true; } else { PrintConsole(game, "Leaving level with %d HP", (int)(game->level.hp*100)); al_destroy_bitmap(fade_bitmap); free(fadeloop); Level_Unload(game); game->gamestate = GAMESTATE_LOADING; game->loadstate = GAMESTATE_MAP; TM_DestroyArgs(action->arguments); action->arguments = NULL; } return false; } bool Welcome(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { float* tmp; bool* in; if (!action->arguments) { action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, malloc(sizeof(float))); action->arguments = TM_AddToArgs(action->arguments, malloc(sizeof(bool))); } tmp = (float*)action->arguments->value; in = (bool*)action->arguments->next->value; if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_INIT) { *tmp = 0; *in = true; /*PrintConsole(game, "WELCOME INIT");*/ } else if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_RUNNING) { /*PrintConsole(game, "WELCOME RUNNING FADE=%f, IN=%d", *in); */ float fade = *tmp; if (fade>255) fade=255; if (*tmp > 2048) { *tmp=255; *in=false; } al_draw_tinted_bitmap(game->level.welcome, al_map_rgba_f(fade/255.0,fade/255.0,fade/255.0,fade/255.0), 0, 0, 0); if (*in) { *tmp+=tps(game, 600); } else { *tmp-=tps(game, 600); if (*tmp<=0) { return true; } } } else { free(action->arguments->value); free(action->arguments->next->value); TM_DestroyArgs(action->arguments); action->arguments = NULL; } return false; } bool PassLevel(struct Game *game, struct TM_Action *action, enum TM_ActionState state) { if (state == TM_ACTIONSTATE_DESTROY) { Level_Passed(game); TM_AddBackgroundAction(&FadeOut, NULL, 0, "fadeout"); } return true; }