/*! \file main.c * \brief Main file of SuperDerpy engine. * * Contains basic functions shared by all views. */ /* * Copyright (c) Sebastian Krzyszkowiak * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Also, ponies. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gamestates/menu.h" #include "gamestates/loading.h" #include "gamestates/about.h" #include "gamestates/intro.h" #include "gamestates/map.h" #include "gamestates/level.h" #include "gamestates/pause.h" #include "gamestates/disclaimer.h" #include "config.h" /*! \brief Macro for preloading gamestate. * * Preloading of state happens when loading screen is displayed. */ #define PRELOAD_STATE(state, name) case state:\ PrintConsole(game, "Preload %s...", #state); DrawConsole(game); al_flip_display(); name ## _Preload(game, progress); break; /*! \brief Macro for unloading gamestate. * * Unloading of state happens after it's fadeout. */ #define UNLOAD_STATE(state, name) case state:\ PrintConsole(game, "Unload %s...", #state); name ## _Unload(game); break; /*! \brief Macro for loading gamestate. * * Loading of state means setting it as active and running it. */ #define LOAD_STATE(state, name) case state:\ PrintConsole(game, "Load %s...", #state); name ## _Load(game); break; /*! \brief Macro for sending keydown events to gamestate. */ #define KEYDOWN_STATE(state, name) else if (game.gamestate==state) { if (name ## _Keydown(&game, &ev)) break; } /*! \brief Macro for drawing active gamestate. */ #define DRAW_STATE(state, name) case state:\ name ## _Draw(game); break; /*! \brief Macro for invoking logic function of active gamestate. */ #define LOGIC_STATE(state, name) case state:\ name ## _Logic(game); break; /*! \brief Macro for invoking pause function of active gamestate. */ #define PAUSE_STATE(state, name) case state:\ PrintConsole(game, "Pause %s...", #state); name ## _Pause(game); break; /*! \brief Macro for invoking resume function of active gamestate. */ #define RESUME_STATE(state, name) case state:\ PrintConsole(game, "Resume %s...", #state); name ## _Resume(game); break; double old_time = 0, fps; int frames_done = 0; bool memoryscale; char* GetDataFilePath(char* filename) { char *result = 0; if (al_filename_exists(filename)) { return strdup(filename); } char origfn[255] = "data/"; strcat(origfn, filename); if (al_filename_exists(origfn)) { return strdup(origfn); } void TestPath(char* subpath) { ALLEGRO_PATH *tail = al_create_path(filename); ALLEGRO_PATH *path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH); ALLEGRO_PATH *data = al_create_path(subpath); al_join_paths(path, data); al_join_paths(path, tail); //printf("Testing for %s\n", al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP)); if (al_filename_exists(al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP))) { result = strdup(al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP)); } al_destroy_path(tail); al_destroy_path(data); al_destroy_path(path); } TestPath("../share/superderpy/data/"); TestPath("../data/"); TestPath("../Resources/data/"); TestPath("data/"); if (!result) { printf("FATAL: Could not find data file: %s!\n", filename); exit(1); } return result; } void PrintConsole(struct Game *game, char* format, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); char text[255] = {}; vsprintf(text, format, vl); va_end(vl); if (game->debug) { printf("%s\n", text); fflush(stdout); } ALLEGRO_BITMAP *con = al_create_bitmap(al_get_bitmap_width(game->console), al_get_bitmap_height(game->console)); al_set_target_bitmap(con); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0,0,0,80)); al_draw_bitmap_region(game->console, 0, al_get_bitmap_height(game->console)*0.2, al_get_bitmap_width(game->console), al_get_bitmap_height(game->console)*0.8, 0, 0, 0); al_draw_text(game->font_console, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), game->viewportWidth*0.005, al_get_bitmap_height(game->console)*0.81, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, text); al_set_target_bitmap(game->console); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0,0,0,0)); al_draw_bitmap(con, 0, 0, 0); al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(game->display)); al_destroy_bitmap(con); } void DrawConsole(struct Game *game) { if (game->showconsole) { al_draw_bitmap(game->console, 0, 0, 0); double game_time = al_get_time(); if(game_time - old_time >= 1.0) { fps = frames_done / (game_time - old_time); frames_done = 0; old_time = game_time; } char sfps[6] = { }; sprintf(sfps, "%.0f", fps); al_draw_text_with_shadow(game->font, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), game->viewportWidth*0.99, 0, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_RIGHT, sfps); } frames_done++; } void PreloadGameState(struct Game *game, void (*progress)(struct Game*, float)) { if (game->loadstate<1) { PrintConsole(game, "ERROR: Attempted to preload invalid gamestate %d! Loading GAMESTATE_MENU instead...", game->loadstate); game->loadstate = GAMESTATE_MENU; } if ((game->loadstate==GAMESTATE_MENU) && (game->menu.loaded)) { PrintConsole(game, "GAMESTATE_MENU already loaded, skipping..."); return; } switch (game->loadstate) { PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_MENU, Menu) PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_LOADING, Loading) PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_ABOUT, About) PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_INTRO, Intro) PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_MAP, Map) PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) PRELOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_DISCLAIMER, Disclaimer) default: PrintConsole(game, "ERROR: Attempted to preload unknown gamestate %d!", game->loadstate); break; } PrintConsole(game, "finished"); } void UnloadGameState(struct Game *game) { switch (game->gamestate) { case GAMESTATE_MENU: if (game->shuttingdown) { PrintConsole(game, "Unload GAMESTATE_MENU..."); Menu_Unload(game); } else { PrintConsole(game, "Just stopping GAMESTATE_MENU..."); Menu_Stop(game); } break; UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_PAUSE, Pause) UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_LOADING, Loading) UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_ABOUT, About) UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_INTRO, Intro) UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_MAP, Map) UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) UNLOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_DISCLAIMER, Disclaimer) default: PrintConsole(game, "ERROR: Attempted to unload unknown gamestate %d!", game->gamestate); break; } PrintConsole(game, "finished"); } void LoadGameState(struct Game *game) { game->gamestate = game->loadstate; game->loadstate = -1; switch (game->gamestate) { LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_MENU, Menu) LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_LOADING, Loading) LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_ABOUT, About) LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_INTRO, Intro) LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_MAP, Map) LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) LOAD_STATE(GAMESTATE_DISCLAIMER, Disclaimer) default: PrintConsole(game, "ERROR: Attempted to load unknown gamestate %d!", game->loadstate); } PrintConsole(game, "finished"); } void DrawGameState(struct Game *game) { switch (game->gamestate) { DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_MENU, Menu) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_PAUSE, Pause) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_LOADING, Loading) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_ABOUT, About) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_INTRO, Intro) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_MAP, Map) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) DRAW_STATE(GAMESTATE_DISCLAIMER, Disclaimer) default: game->showconsole = true; al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); PrintConsole(game, "ERROR: Unknown gamestate %d reached! (5 sec sleep)", game->gamestate); DrawConsole(game); al_flip_display(); al_rest(5.0); PrintConsole(game, "Returning to menu..."); game->gamestate = GAMESTATE_LOADING; game->loadstate = GAMESTATE_MENU; break; } } void LogicGameState(struct Game *game) { switch (game->gamestate) { LOGIC_STATE(GAMESTATE_ABOUT, About) LOGIC_STATE(GAMESTATE_MENU, Menu) LOGIC_STATE(GAMESTATE_MAP, Map) LOGIC_STATE(GAMESTATE_INTRO, Intro) LOGIC_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) default: // not every gamestate needs to have logic function break; } } void PauseGameState(struct Game *game) { switch (game->loadstate) { PAUSE_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) default: // not every gamestate needs to have pause function break; } } void ResumeGameState(struct Game *game) { switch (game->loadstate) { RESUME_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) default: // not every gamestate needs to have resume function break; } } void FadeGameState(struct Game *game, bool in) { ALLEGRO_BITMAP* bitmap = al_create_bitmap(game->viewportWidth, game->viewportHeight); al_set_target_bitmap(bitmap); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(game->display)); float fadeloop; if (in) { fadeloop = 255; } else { fadeloop = 0; } while ((in && fadeloop>=0) || (!in && fadeloop<255)) { ALLEGRO_EVENT ev; al_wait_for_event(game->event_queue, &ev); if ((ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER) && (ev.timer.source == game->timer)) { LogicGameState(game); if (in) { fadeloop-=10; } else { fadeloop+=10; } } if (al_is_event_queue_empty(game->event_queue)) { DrawGameState(game); al_draw_tinted_bitmap(bitmap,al_map_rgba_f(1,1,1,fadeloop/255.0),0,0,0); DrawConsole(game); al_flip_display(); } } al_destroy_bitmap(bitmap); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); if (in) { DrawGameState(game); } } /*! \brief Scales bitmap using software linear filtering method to current target. */ void ScaleBitmap(ALLEGRO_BITMAP* source, int width, int height) { if ((al_get_bitmap_width(source)==width) && (al_get_bitmap_height(source)==height)) { al_draw_bitmap(source, 0, 0, 0); return; } int x, y; al_lock_bitmap(al_get_target_bitmap(), ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY, ALLEGRO_LOCK_WRITEONLY); al_lock_bitmap(source, ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY, ALLEGRO_LOCK_READONLY); /* linear filtering code written by SiegeLord */ ALLEGRO_COLOR interpolate(ALLEGRO_COLOR c1, ALLEGRO_COLOR c2, float frac) { return al_map_rgba_f(c1.r + frac * (c2.r - c1.r), c1.g + frac * (c2.g - c1.g), c1.b + frac * (c2.b - c1.b), c1.a + frac * (c2.a - c1.a)); } for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { float pixy = ((float)y / height) * ((float)al_get_bitmap_height(source) - 1); float pixy_f = floor(pixy); for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { float pixx = ((float)x / width) * ((float)al_get_bitmap_width(source) - 1); float pixx_f = floor(pixx); ALLEGRO_COLOR a = al_get_pixel(source, pixx_f, pixy_f); ALLEGRO_COLOR b = al_get_pixel(source, pixx_f + 1, pixy_f); ALLEGRO_COLOR c = al_get_pixel(source, pixx_f, pixy_f + 1); ALLEGRO_COLOR d = al_get_pixel(source, pixx_f + 1, pixy_f + 1); ALLEGRO_COLOR ab = interpolate(a, b, pixx - pixx_f); ALLEGRO_COLOR cd = interpolate(c, d, pixx - pixx_f); ALLEGRO_COLOR result = interpolate(ab, cd, pixy - pixy_f); al_put_pixel(x, y, result); } } al_unlock_bitmap(al_get_target_bitmap()); al_unlock_bitmap(source); } ALLEGRO_BITMAP* LoadScaledBitmap(char* filename, int width, int height) { ALLEGRO_BITMAP *source, *target = al_create_bitmap(width, height); al_set_target_bitmap(target); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0,0,0,0)); char* origfn = GetDataFilePath(filename); void GenerateBitmap() { if (memoryscale) al_set_new_bitmap_flags(ALLEGRO_MEMORY_BITMAP); source = al_load_bitmap( origfn ); if (memoryscale) { al_set_new_bitmap_flags(ALLEGRO_MIN_LINEAR | ALLEGRO_MAG_LINEAR); ScaleBitmap(source, width, height); } else { al_draw_scaled_bitmap(source, 0, 0, al_get_bitmap_width(source), al_get_bitmap_height(source), 0, 0, width, height, 0); } /*al_save_bitmap(cachefn, target); PrintConsole(game, "Cache bitmap %s generated.", filename);*/ al_destroy_bitmap(source); } /*source = al_load_bitmap( cachefn ); if (source) { if ((al_get_bitmap_width(source)!=width) || (al_get_bitmap_height(source)!=height)) { al_destroy_bitmap(source);*/ GenerateBitmap(); free(origfn); return target; /* } return source; } else GenerateBitmap(); return target;*/ } void SetupViewport(struct Game *game) { game->viewportWidth = al_get_display_width(game->display); game->viewportHeight = al_get_display_height(game->display); if (atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "letterbox", "0"))) { float const aspectRatio = (float)1920 / (float)1080; // full HD int clipWidth = game->viewportWidth, clipHeight = game->viewportWidth / aspectRatio; int clipX = 0, clipY = (game->viewportHeight - clipHeight) / 2; if (clipY <= 0) { clipHeight = game->viewportHeight; clipWidth = game->viewportHeight * aspectRatio; clipX = (game->viewportWidth - clipWidth) / 2; clipY = 0; } al_set_clipping_rectangle(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); /*float scaleX = (float)clipWidth / (float)800, scaleY = (float)clipHeight / (float)450;*/ ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM projection; al_build_transform(&projection, clipX, clipY, 1, 1, 0.0f); al_use_transform(&projection); game->viewportWidth = clipWidth; game->viewportHeight = clipHeight; } else if ((atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "rotate", "1"))) && (game->viewportHeight > game->viewportWidth)) { ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM projection; al_identity_transform(&projection); al_rotate_transform(&projection, 0.5*ALLEGRO_PI); al_translate_transform(&projection, game->viewportWidth, 0); al_use_transform(&projection); int temp = game->viewportHeight; game->viewportHeight = game->viewportWidth; game->viewportWidth = temp; } } int Shared_Load(struct Game *game) { game->font = al_load_ttf_font(GetDataFilePath("fonts/ShadowsIntoLight.ttf"),game->viewportHeight*0.09,0 ); if(!game->font) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load game font!\n"); return -1; } game->font_console = al_load_ttf_font(GetDataFilePath("fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf"),game->viewportHeight*0.018,0 ); if(!game->font_console) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load console font!\n"); return -1; } game->console = al_create_bitmap(game->viewportWidth, game->viewportHeight*0.12); al_set_target_bitmap(game->console); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0,0,0,80)); al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(game->display)); return 0; } void Shared_Unload(struct Game *game) { al_destroy_font(game->font); al_destroy_font(game->font_console); al_destroy_bitmap(game->console); } void derp(int sig) { write(STDERR_FILENO, "Segmentation fault\n", 19); write(STDERR_FILENO, "I just don't know what went wrong!\n", 35); abort(); } int main(int argc, char **argv){ signal(SIGSEGV, derp); srand(time(NULL)); al_set_org_name("Super Derpy"); al_set_app_name("Muffin Attack"); if(!al_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize allegro!\n"); return -1; } InitConfig(); struct Game game; game.fullscreen = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "fullscreen", "1")); game.music = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "music", "7")); game.voice = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "voice", "10")); game.fx = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "fx", "10")); game.debug = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "debug", "0")); game.width = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "width", "800")); if (game.width<320) game.width=320; game.height = atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "height", "450")); if (game.height<200) game.height=180; memoryscale = !atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "GPU_scaling", "1")); if(!al_init_image_addon()) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize image addon!\n"); /*al_show_native_message_box(display, "Error", "Error", "Failed to initialize al_init_image_addon!", NULL, ALLEGRO_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR);*/ return -1; } if(!al_init_acodec_addon()){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize audio codecs!\n"); return -1; } if(!al_install_audio()){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize audio!\n"); return -1; } if(!al_install_keyboard()){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize keyboard!\n"); return -1; } if(!al_init_primitives_addon()){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize primitives!\n"); return -1; } /* if (!al_reserve_samples(10)){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to reserve samples!\n"); return -1; } */ al_init_font_addon(); if(!al_init_ttf_addon()){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize fonts!\n"); return -1; } if (game.fullscreen) al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW); else al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_WINDOWED); al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_VSYNC, 2-atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "vsync", "1")), ALLEGRO_SUGGEST); al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_OPENGL, atoi(GetConfigOptionDefault("SuperDerpy", "opengl", "1")), ALLEGRO_SUGGEST); al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, 1, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST); al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_SAMPLES, 8, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST); game.display = al_create_display(game.width, game.height); if(!game.display) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create display!\n"); return -1; } ALLEGRO_BITMAP *icon = al_load_bitmap(GetDataFilePath("icons/superderpy.png")); al_set_window_title(game.display, "Super Derpy: Muffin Attack"); al_set_display_icon(game.display, icon); al_destroy_bitmap(icon); if (game.fullscreen) al_hide_mouse_cursor(game.display); al_inhibit_screensaver(true); SetupViewport(&game); al_set_new_bitmap_flags(ALLEGRO_MAG_LINEAR | ALLEGRO_MIN_LINEAR); int ret = Shared_Load(&game); if (ret!=0) return ret; PrintConsole(&game, "Viewport %dx%d", game.viewportWidth, game.viewportHeight); game.event_queue = al_create_event_queue(); if(!game.event_queue) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create event_queue!\n"); al_destroy_display(game.display); return -1; } game.audio.v = al_create_voice(44100, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_INT16, ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2); game.audio.mixer = al_create_mixer(44100, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_FLOAT32, ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2); game.audio.fx = al_create_mixer(44100, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_FLOAT32, ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2); game.audio.music = al_create_mixer(44100, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_FLOAT32, ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2); game.audio.voice = al_create_mixer(44100, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH_FLOAT32, ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF_2); al_attach_mixer_to_voice(game.audio.mixer, game.audio.v); al_attach_mixer_to_mixer(game.audio.fx, game.audio.mixer); al_attach_mixer_to_mixer(game.audio.music, game.audio.mixer); al_attach_mixer_to_mixer(game.audio.voice, game.audio.mixer); al_set_mixer_gain(game.audio.fx, game.fx/10.0); al_set_mixer_gain(game.audio.music, game.music/10.0); al_set_mixer_gain(game.audio.voice, game.voice/10.0); al_register_event_source(game.event_queue, al_get_display_event_source(game.display)); al_register_event_source(game.event_queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); game.showconsole = game.debug; al_flip_display(); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); game.timer = al_create_timer(ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS(60)); // logic timer if(!game.timer) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create timer!\n"); return -1; } al_register_event_source(game.event_queue, al_get_timer_event_source(game.timer)); al_wait_for_vsync(); al_start_timer(game.timer); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); /* FIXME? */ game.shuttingdown = false; game.menu.loaded = false; game.restart = false; game.loadstate = GAMESTATE_LOADING; PreloadGameState(&game, NULL); LoadGameState(&game); game.loadstate = GAMESTATE_MENU; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "l:s:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'l': game.level.input.current_level = optarg[0]-'0'; game.loadstate = GAMESTATE_LEVEL; break; case 's': game.loadstate = optarg[0]-'0'; break; } while(1) { ALLEGRO_EVENT ev; if (al_is_event_queue_empty(game.event_queue)) { DrawGameState(&game); DrawConsole(&game); al_flip_display(); } else { al_wait_for_event(game.event_queue, &ev); if ((ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER) && (ev.timer.source == game.timer)) { LogicGameState(&game); } else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) { break; } else if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { /*PrintConsole(&game, "KEYCODE: %s", al_keycode_to_name(ev.keyboard.keycode));*/ #ifdef ALLEGRO_MACOSX if ((ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (ev.keyboard.keycode == 104)) { #else if ((ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_TILDE)) { #endif game.showconsole = !game.showconsole; } else if ((game.debug) && (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F1)) { int i; for (i=0; i<512; i++) { LogicGameState(&game); } game.showconsole = true; PrintConsole(&game, "DEBUG: 512 frames skipped..."); } else if ((game.debug) && (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F10)) { double speed = ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS(al_get_timer_speed(game.timer)); // inverting speed -= 10; if (speed<10) speed = 10; al_set_timer_speed(game.timer, ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS(speed)); game.showconsole = true; PrintConsole(&game, "DEBUG: Gameplay speed: %.2fx", speed/60.0); } else if ((game.debug) && (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F11)) { double speed = ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS(al_get_timer_speed(game.timer)); // inverting speed += 10; if (speed>600) speed = 600; al_set_timer_speed(game.timer, ALLEGRO_BPS_TO_SECS(speed)); game.showconsole = true; PrintConsole(&game, "DEBUG: Gameplay speed: %.2fx", speed/60.0); } else if ((game.debug) && (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) && (ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F12)) { ALLEGRO_PATH *path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_DOCUMENTS_PATH); char filename[255] = { }; sprintf(filename, "SuperDerpy_%ld_%ld.png", time(NULL), clock()); al_set_path_filename(path, filename); al_save_bitmap(al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP), al_get_backbuffer(game.display)); PrintConsole(&game, "Screenshot stored in %s", al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP)); al_destroy_path(path); } KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_PAUSE, Pause) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_MENU, Menu) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_LOADING, Loading) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_ABOUT, About) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_INTRO, Intro) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_MAP, Map) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_LEVEL, Level) KEYDOWN_STATE(GAMESTATE_DISCLAIMER, Disclaimer) else { game.showconsole = true; PrintConsole(&game, "ERROR: Keystroke in unknown (%d) gamestate! (5 sec sleep)", game.gamestate); DrawConsole(&game); al_flip_display(); al_rest(5.0); PrintConsole(&game, "Returning to menu..."); game.gamestate = GAMESTATE_LOADING; game.loadstate = GAMESTATE_MENU; } } else if (game.gamestate == GAMESTATE_LEVEL) { Level_ProcessEvent(&game, &ev); } } } game.shuttingdown = true; UnloadGameState(&game); if (game.gamestate != GAMESTATE_LOADING) { game.gamestate = GAMESTATE_LOADING; UnloadGameState(&game); } al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,0)); PrintConsole(&game, "Shutting down..."); DrawConsole(&game); al_flip_display(); al_rest(0.1); al_destroy_timer(game.timer); Shared_Unload(&game); al_destroy_display(game.display); al_destroy_event_queue(game.event_queue); al_destroy_mixer(game.audio.fx); al_destroy_mixer(game.audio.music); al_destroy_mixer(game.audio.mixer); al_destroy_voice(game.audio.v); al_uninstall_audio(); DeinitConfig(); if (game.restart) { al_shutdown_ttf_addon(); al_shutdown_font_addon(); #ifdef ALLEGRO_MACOSX return _al_mangled_main(argc, argv); #else return main(argc, argv); #endif } return 0; }