- content_for :title, 'About' .about #wrap = render partial: 'layouts/banner' nav.home = link_to 'Home', '/' = link_to 'News', '/news' = link_to 'About', '/about', class: 'current' article section h1 About FoalFetch p FoalFetch is a uncensored archive of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan fiction works. Born after DataByte began censoring FiMFetch, the project provides an ever-growing list of features: ul li Archive of active and past works of fiction li Easy-to-use granular search features li Random daily fictions li Multiple downloadable formats p And some long-term goals: ul li Scrape multiple fanfiction platforms for MLP:FiM stories li An OPDS browsing service for compatible e-Readers p This site has been designed from the ground-up in an attempt to provide the simplest and most streamlined access to all the pony you should ever want - even content the site's operators don't agree with.