/ A "card" that displays a story in a list - character_tags = story.tags.where(type: 'character') - normal_tags = story.tags.where.not(type: 'character') section.fic-cell header - if story.cover_image = image_tag "/images?url=#{CGI.escape(story.cover_image)}", alt: 'Cover Image' .details h2= link_to story.title, story_path(story) span.author ' by = link_to story.author.name, author_path(story.author) br span.popular span.stats - if story.rating span.likes Rating: #{story.rating}% - if story.short_description p.description= story.short_description - else div.description == story.description_html footer .rating = rating_display(story.rating) = status_display(story.completion_status) - normal_tags.each do |t| = tag_to_html(t) .characters - character_tags.each do |t| = character_display(t) br .ficstats span.chapters = pluralize(story.chapters.count, 'Chapter') + ',' '  span.words =<> story.num_words ' Words:  span.time_est ' Estimated => reading_time(story.num_words) | to read .published ' Published span= story.date_published .updated ' Last Update span= story.date_updated