diff --git a/app/views/search/search.html.slim b/app/views/search/search.html.slim
index 11a04f5..21f5cb6 100644
--- a/app/views/search/search.html.slim
+++ b/app/views/search/search.html.slim
@@ -9,54 +9,10 @@
= render partial: 'advanced', locals: { show_button: true }
- @records.each do |rec|
- - character_tags = rec.tags.where(type: 'character')
- - normal_tags = rec.tags.where.not(type: 'character')
- section.fic-cell
- header
- - if rec.cover_image
- = image_tag '/images?url=' + CGI.escape(rec.cover_image), alt: 'Cover Image'
- .details
- h2= link_to rec.title, story_path(rec)
- span.author
- ' by
- = link_to rec.author.name, author_path(rec.author)
- br
- span.popular
- span.stats
- - if rec.short_description
- p.description= rec.short_description
- - else
- div.description
- == rec.description_html
- footer
- .rating
- = rating_display(rec.rating)
- = status_display(rec.completion_status)
- - normal_tags.each do |t|
- = tag_to_html(t)
- .characters
- - character_tags.each do |t|
- = character_display(t)
- br
- .ficstats
- span.chapters
- = pluralize(rec.chapters.count, 'Chapter') + ','
- '
- span.words
- =<> rec.num_words
- ' Words:
- span.time_est
- ' Estimated
- => reading_time(rec.num_words)
- | to read
- .published
- ' Published
- span= rec.date_published
- .updated
- ' Last Update
- span= rec.date_updated
+ = render partial: 'stories/card', locals: { story: rec }
= paginate(@records, params: { scope: @scope.scope_key })
- span.searchtime Found #{@search.total_count} results.
\ No newline at end of file
+ span.searchtime Found #{pluralize(@search.total_count, 'result')}.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/stories/_card.html.slim b/app/views/stories/_card.html.slim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6229b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/stories/_card.html.slim
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/ A "card" that displays a story in a list
+- character_tags = story.tags.where(type: 'character')
+- normal_tags = story.tags.where.not(type: 'character')
+ header
+ - if story.cover_image
+ = image_tag "/images?url=#{CGI.escape(story.cover_image)}", alt: 'Cover Image'
+ .details
+ h2= link_to story.title, story_path(story)
+ span.author
+ ' by
+ = link_to story.author.name, author_path(story.author)
+ br
+ span.popular
+ span.stats
+ - if story.short_description
+ p.description= story.short_description
+ - else
+ div.description
+ == story.description_html
+ footer
+ .rating
+ = rating_display(story.rating)
+ = status_display(story.completion_status)
+ - normal_tags.each do |t|
+ = tag_to_html(t)
+ .characters
+ - character_tags.each do |t|
+ = character_display(t)
+ br
+ .ficstats
+ span.chapters
+ = pluralize(story.chapters.count, 'Chapter') + ','
+ '
+ span.words
+ =<> story.num_words
+ ' Words:
+ span.time_est
+ ' Estimated
+ => reading_time(story.num_words)
+ | to read
+ .published
+ ' Published
+ span= story.date_published
+ .updated
+ ' Last Update
+ span= story.date_updated
\ No newline at end of file