""" Mapper tests. """ # # Fimfarchive, preserves stories from Fimfiction. # Copyright (C) 2019 Joakim Soderlund # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import os from typing import no_type_check, Dict, Any from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, PropertyMock import pytest from fimfarchive.exceptions import InvalidStoryError from fimfarchive.flavors import DataFormat, MetaFormat from fimfarchive.mappers import ( MetaFormatMapper, StaticMapper, StoryDateMapper, StoryPathMapper, StorySlugMapper ) from fimfarchive.stories import Story CHAPTERS = 'chapters' MODIFIED = 'date_modified' class TestStaticMapper: """ StaticMapper tests. """ @pytest.fixture def value(self): """ Returns a unique instance. """ return object() def test_value(self, story, value): """ Tests returns the supplied value. """ mapper = StaticMapper(value) assert mapper(story) is value class TestStoryDateMapper: """ StoryDateMapper tests. """ @pytest.fixture def mapper(self): """ Returns a new StoryDateMapper. """ return StoryDateMapper() def merge(self, story, meta): """ Returns a cloned story containing the supplied meta. """ return Story( key=story.key, fetcher=None, meta=meta, data=story.data, flavors=story.flavors, ) def test_missing_story(self, mapper): """ Tests `None` is returned when story is `None`. """ assert mapper(None) is None def test_invalid_story(self, mapper, story): """ Tests `None` is returned when `InvalidStoryError` is raised. """ with patch.object(Story, 'meta', new_callable=PropertyMock) as m: m.side_effect = InvalidStoryError assert mapper(story) is None assert m.called_once_with(story) def test_empty_meta(self, mapper, story): """ Tests `None` is returned when meta is empty. """ story = story.merge(meta=dict()) assert mapper(story) is None def test_meta_without_dates(self, mapper, story): """ Tests `None` is returned when meta contains no dates. """ meta: Dict[str, Any] = { CHAPTERS: [ dict(), dict(), dict(), ], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story) is None def test_meta_without_chapters(self, mapper, story): """ Tests timestamp is returned when no chapters are present. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 5, } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_none_chapters(self, mapper, story): """ Tests timestamp is returned when chapters is `None`. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 5, CHAPTERS: None, } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_empty_chapters(self, mapper, story): """ Tests timestamp is returned when chapters is empty. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 5, CHAPTERS: [], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_only_chapter_dates(self, mapper, story): """ Tests timestamp is returned when only chapter dates are present. """ meta = { CHAPTERS: [ {MODIFIED: 3}, {MODIFIED: 5}, {MODIFIED: 4}, ], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_only_story_date(self, mapper, story): """ Tests timestamp is returned when only story date is present. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 5, CHAPTERS: [ dict(), dict(), dict(), ], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_latest_chapter_date(self, mapper, story): """ Tests latests timestamp is returned when in chapter dates. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 3, CHAPTERS: [ {MODIFIED: 1}, {MODIFIED: 5}, {MODIFIED: 3}, ], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_latest_story_date(self, mapper, story): """ Tests latest timestamp is returned when in story date. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 5, CHAPTERS: [ {MODIFIED: 1}, {MODIFIED: 3}, {MODIFIED: 2}, ], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 def test_meta_with_both_latest(self, mapper, story): """ Tests latest timestamp is returned when in both. """ meta = { MODIFIED: 5, CHAPTERS: [ {MODIFIED: 1}, {MODIFIED: 5}, {MODIFIED: 3}, ], } story = story.merge(meta=meta) assert mapper(story).timestamp == 5 class TestStoryPathMapper: """ StoryPathMapper tests. """ def test_joins_paths(self, story): """ Tests returns directory joined with story key. """ directory = os.path.join('some', 'directory') path = os.path.join(directory, str(story.key)) mapper = StoryPathMapper(directory) assert mapper(story) == path @no_type_check def test_casts_values(self, tmpdir, story): """ Tests casts all values to string when joining. """ directory = MagicMock() directory.__str__.return_value = 'dir' story.key = MagicMock() story.key.__str__.return_value = 'key' mapper = StoryPathMapper(directory) assert mapper(story) == os.path.join('dir', 'key') assert directory.__str__.called_once_with() assert story.key.__str__.called_once_with() class TestStorySlugMapper: """ StorySlugMapper tests. """ @pytest.fixture def mapper(self) -> StorySlugMapper: """ Returns a mapper instance. """ return StorySlugMapper() @pytest.fixture def story(self, story: Story) -> Story: """ Returns a story instance. """ meta = { 'id': 1337, 'title': 'title', 'author': { 'id': 42, 'name': 'name', }, } return story.merge( meta=meta, flavors=[DataFormat.EPUB] ) def test_mapping(self, mapper, story): """ Tests a simple slug mapping. """ assert mapper(story) == 'epub/n/name-42/title-1337.epub' def test_custom_mapping(self, story): """ Tests a slug mapping with a custom template. """ mapper = StorySlugMapper('{story}.{extension}') assert mapper(story) == 'title-1337.epub' @pytest.mark.parametrize('text,result', ( ('Project Sunflower: Harmony', 'project_sunflower_harmony'), ('The Enchanted Library', 'the_enchanted_library'), ('Hurricane\'s Way', 'hurricanes_way'), ('Sharers\' Day', 'sharers_day'), ('Paca ' * 32, ('paca_' * 22)[:-1]), ('Paca' * 32, ''), (None, 'none'), (' ', ''), (' ', ''), ('', ''), )) def test_slugify(self, mapper, text, result): """ Tests creating a slug for a title. """ assert mapper.slugify(text) == result @pytest.mark.parametrize('key,slug,result', ( (16, 'slug', 'slug-16'), (32, None, '32'), (64, '', '64'), )) def test_join(self, mapper, key, slug, result): """ Tests joining a slug with a key. """ assert mapper.join(key, slug) == result def test_join_with_negative_key(self, mapper): """ Tests `ValueError` is raised when joining a negative key. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): mapper.join('-1', 'slug') @pytest.mark.parametrize('slug,result', ( ('alpaca', 'a'), ('pony', 'p'), ('42', '_'), (' ', '_'), (' ', '_'), ('', '_'), )) def test_group(self, mapper, slug, result): """ Tests grouping of a slug. """ assert mapper.group(slug) == result @pytest.mark.parametrize('flavors,result', ( ({MetaFormat.BETA, DataFormat.EPUB}, 'epub'), ({DataFormat.EPUB}, 'epub'), ({DataFormat.HTML}, 'html'), ({MetaFormat.BETA}, 'data'), ({}, 'data'), )) def test_classify(self, mapper, story, flavors, result): """ Tests classify with a story. """ story = story.merge(flavors=flavors) assert mapper.classify(story) == result def test_map_with_long_template(self, story): """ Tests `ValueError` is raised when result is too long. """ mapper = StorySlugMapper('paca' * 256) with pytest.raises(ValueError): mapper(story) class TestMetaFormatMapper: """ MetaFormatMapper tests. """ @pytest.fixture def mapper(self): """ Returns a meta format mapper instance. """ return MetaFormatMapper() @pytest.fixture(params=['likes', 'dislikes', 'words']) def alpha(self, request): """ Returns an alpha meta key. """ return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=['num_likes', 'num_dislikes', 'num_words']) def beta(self, request): """ Returns a beta meta key. """ return request.param def merge(self, story, *keys): """ Returns a story containing the requested meta keys. """ meta = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(keys, 1)} return story.merge(meta=meta) def test_alpha_format(self, mapper, story, alpha): """ Tests alpha meta format is detected. """ story = self.merge(story, alpha, 'misc') assert mapper(story) is MetaFormat.ALPHA def test_beta_format(self, mapper, story, beta): """ Tests beta meta format is detected. """ story = self.merge(story, beta, 'misc') assert mapper(story) is MetaFormat.BETA def test_conflict(self, mapper, story, alpha, beta): """ Tests None is returned for conflicting meta keys. """ story = self.merge(story, alpha, beta) assert mapper(story) is None def test_existing_flavor(self, mapper, story, beta): """ Tests existing flavor takes precedence over meta. """ story = story.merge(flavors=[MetaFormat.ALPHA]) story = self.merge(story, beta, 'misc') assert mapper(story) is MetaFormat.ALPHA