package com.minelittlepony.unicopia.entity; import java.util.Map; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.Predicates; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.Race; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.forgebullshit.FUF; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.init.UBlocks; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.init.UItems; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.init.UParticles; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.particle.Particles; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.player.PlayerSpeciesList; import net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops; import net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland; import net.minecraft.block.BlockFire; import net.minecraft.block.SoundType; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP; import net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient; import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment; import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityFlying; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.IEntityLivingData; import net.minecraft.entity.MoverType; import net.minecraft.entity.effect.EntityLightningBolt; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.IAnimals; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Enchantments; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.ItemSword; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.EnumActionResult; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.SoundCategory; import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvent; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import; import; public class EntityCloud extends EntityFlying implements IAnimals, IInAnimate { private static final DataParameter RAINTIMER = EntityDataManager.createKey(EntityCloud.class, DataSerializers.VARINT); private static final DataParameter THUNDERING = EntityDataManager.createKey(EntityCloud.class, DataSerializers.BOOLEAN); private static final DataParameter SCALE = EntityDataManager.createKey(EntityCloud.class, DataSerializers.VARINT); private static final DataParameter STATIONARY = EntityDataManager.createKey(EntityCloud.class, DataSerializers.BOOLEAN); protected double targetAltitude; protected int directionX; protected int directionZ; private final double baseWidth = 3f; private final double baseHeight = 0.8f; public EntityCloud(World world) { super(world); ignoreFrustumCheck = true; targetAltitude = getRandomFlyingHeight(); } @Override protected void entityInit() { super.entityInit(); dataManager.register(RAINTIMER, 0); dataManager.register(THUNDERING, false); dataManager.register(STATIONARY, false); dataManager.register(SCALE, 1); } @Override protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSource) { return SoundEvents.BLOCK_CLOTH_HIT; } @Override protected SoundEvent getDeathSound() { return SoundEvents.BLOCK_CLOTH_STEP; } @Override protected Item getDropItem() { return UItems.cloud_matter; } @Override protected boolean canTriggerWalking() { return false; } @Override public boolean doesEntityNotTriggerPressurePlate() { return true; } @Override public boolean canRenderOnFire() { return false; } /** * Gets the render brightness of this entity based on the surrounding world light values. */ @Override public int getBrightnessForRender() { return 0xF000F0; } /** * Gets the brightness percentage for this entity based on the surrounding world light values. */ @Override public float getBrightness() { return 1; } @Override protected boolean canDespawn() { return !hasCustomName() && !getStationary() && !getOpaque(); } @Override public int getMaxSpawnedInChunk() { return 6; } @Override public boolean canInteract(Race race) { return race.canInteractWithClouds(); } @Override public void onStruckByLightning(EntityLightningBolt lightningBolt) { } @Override public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData pack) { if (world.rand.nextInt(20) == 0 && canRainHere()) { setRaining(); if (world.rand.nextInt(20) == 0) { setIsThundering(true); } } setCloudSize(1 + rand.nextInt(4)); return super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, pack); } @Override protected void collideWithEntity(Entity other) { if (other instanceof EntityCloud || other instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (other.posY > posY) { return; } super.collideWithEntity(other); } } @Override public void applyEntityCollision(Entity other) { if (other instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (Predicates.INTERACT_WITH_CLOUDS.test((EntityPlayer)other)) { super.applyEntityCollision(other); } } else if (other instanceof EntityCloud) { super.applyEntityCollision(other); } } @Override public void onUpdate() { AxisAlignedBB boundingbox = getEntityBoundingBox(); if (getIsRaining()) { if (world.isRemote) { for (int i = 0; i < 30 * getCloudSize(); i++) { double x = MathHelper.nextDouble(rand, boundingbox.minX, boundingbox.maxX); double y = getEntityBoundingBox().minY + height/2; double z = MathHelper.nextDouble(rand, boundingbox.minZ, boundingbox.maxZ); int particleId = canSnowHere(new BlockPos(x, y, z)) ? EnumParticleTypes.SNOW_SHOVEL.getParticleID() : UParticles.RAIN_DROPS; Particles.instance().spawnParticle(particleId, false, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0); } AxisAlignedBB rainedArea = boundingbox .expand(1, 0, 1) .expand(0, -(posY - getGroundPosition(posX, posZ).getY()), 0); for (EntityPlayer j : world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, rainedArea)) { if (!canSnowHere(j.getPosition())) {, j.getPosition(), SoundEvents.WEATHER_RAIN, SoundCategory.AMBIENT, 0.1F, 0.6F); } } } BlockPos pos = getGroundPosition( posX + rand.nextFloat() * width, posZ + rand.nextFloat() * width ); if (getIsThundering()) { if (rand.nextInt(3000) == 0) { spawnThunderbolt(pos); } if (rand.nextInt(200) == 0) { setIsThundering(false); } } IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); if (state.getBlock() instanceof BlockFire) { world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); } if (rand.nextInt(20) == 0) { BlockPos below = pos.down(); state = world.getBlockState(below); if (state.getBlock() != null) { if (world.canBlockFreezeWater(below)) { world.setBlockState(below, Blocks.ICE.getDefaultState()); } if (world.canSnowAt(pos, false)) { world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.SNOW_LAYER.getDefaultState()); } if (state.getBlock() instanceof BlockFarmland) { int moisture = state.getValue(BlockFarmland.MOISTURE); if (moisture < 7) { world.setBlockState(below, state.withProperty(BlockFarmland.MOISTURE, moisture + 1)); } } else if (state.getBlock() instanceof BlockCrops) { int age = state.getValue(BlockCrops.AGE); if (age < 7) { world.setBlockState(below, state.withProperty(BlockCrops.AGE, age + 1), 2); } } state.getBlock().fillWithRain(world, below); } } if (setRainTimer(getRainTimer() - 1) == 0) { if (!getStationary()) { pomf(); if (getCloudSize() > 1) { setIsRaining(false); setCloudSize(getCloudSize() - 1); } else { setDead(); } } } } else { if (rand.nextInt(8000) == 0 && canRainHere()) { setRaining(); if (rand.nextInt(7000) == 0) { setIsThundering(true); } } } rotationPitch = 0; rotationYawHead = 0; rotationYaw = 0; for (Entity i : world.getEntitiesInAABBexcluding(this, boundingbox .grow(1 / (1 + getCloudSize())), Predicates.ENTITY_INTERACT_WITH_CLOUDS)) { if (i.posY > posY + 0.5) { applyGravityCompensation(i); } } if (isBurning() && !dead) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { world.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.CLOUD, MathHelper.nextDouble(rand, boundingbox.minX, boundingbox.maxX), MathHelper.nextDouble(rand, boundingbox.minY, boundingbox.maxY), MathHelper.nextDouble(rand, boundingbox.minZ, boundingbox.maxZ), 0, 0.25, 0); } } if (getStationary()) { motionX = 0; motionY = 0; motionZ = 0; } super.onUpdate(); double motionFactor = (1 + getCloudSize() / 4); motionX /= motionFactor; motionZ /= motionFactor; hurtTime = 0; } @Override public double getMountedYOffset() { return getEntityBoundingBox().maxY - getEntityBoundingBox().minY - 0.25; } @Override public void moveRelative(float strafe, float up, float forward, float friction) { if (!getStationary()) { super.moveRelative(strafe, up, forward, friction); } } @Override public void onCollideWithPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { if (player.posY >= posY) { if (applyGravityCompensation(player)) { double difX = player.posX - player.lastTickPosX; double difZ = player.posZ - player.lastTickPosZ; double difY = player.posY - player.lastTickPosY; player.distanceWalkedModified = (float)(player.distanceWalkedModified + MathHelper.sqrt(difX * difX + difZ * difZ) * 0.6); player.distanceWalkedOnStepModified = (float)(player.distanceWalkedOnStepModified + MathHelper.sqrt(difX * difX + difY * difY + difZ * difZ) * 0.6); if (PlayerSpeciesList.instance().getPlayer(player).stepOnCloud()) { SoundType soundtype = SoundType.CLOTH; player.playSound(soundtype.getStepSound(), soundtype.getVolume() * 0.15F, soundtype.getPitch()); } } } super.onCollideWithPlayer(player); } @Override protected void updateAITasks() { if (!getStationary()) { if (!isBeingRidden()) { double distance = targetAltitude - posY; if (targetAltitude < posY && !world.isAirBlock(getPosition())) { distance = 0; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 1 && rand.nextInt(7000) == 0) { targetAltitude = getRandomFlyingHeight(); distance = targetAltitude - posY; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 1) { distance = 0; } motionX -= 0.002; motionY += (Math.signum(distance) * 0.699999988079071D - motionY) * 0.10000000149011612D; } } } protected float getRandomFlyingHeight() { float a = getMaximumFlyingHeight(); float b = getMinimumFlyingHeight(); float min = Math.min(a, b); float max = Math.max(a, b); return min + world.rand.nextFloat() * (max - min); } protected float getMinimumFlyingHeight() { float ground = world.provider.getAverageGroundLevel(); float cloud = world.getWorldType().getCloudHeight(); float min = Math.min(ground, cloud); float max = Math.max(ground, cloud); return min + (max - min)/2; } protected float getMaximumFlyingHeight() { return world.provider.getActualHeight() - 5; } @Override public EnumActionResult applyPlayerInteraction(EntityPlayer player, Vec3d vec, EnumHand hand) { if (!(isBeingRidden() || isRidingOrBeingRiddenBy(player)) && hand == EnumHand.MAIN_HAND) { if (Predicates.INTERACT_WITH_CLOUDS.test(player)) { if (player.getItemInUseCount() > 0) { return EnumActionResult.FAIL; } ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItem(hand); if (stack != null) { if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock || stack.getItem() == Items.SPAWN_EGG && stack.getItemDamage() == EntityList.getID(EntityCloud.class)) { placeBlock(player, stack, hand); return EnumActionResult.SUCCESS; } } if (!getStationary()) { player.startRiding(this); return EnumActionResult.SUCCESS; } } } return EnumActionResult.FAIL; } @Override public void handleStatusUpdate(byte type) { if (type == 2) { if (!isBurning()) { for (int i = 0; i < 50 * getCloudSize(); i++) { Particles.instance().getEntityEmitter().emitDiggingParticles(this, UBlocks.normal_cloud.getDefaultState()); } } } super.handleStatusUpdate(type); } public void handlePegasusInteration(int interationType) { if (!world.isRemote) { switch (interationType) { case 1: setIsRaining(!getIsRaining()); break; case 2: spawnThunderbolt(); break; } } pomf(); } public void pomf() { for (int i = 0; i < 50 * getCloudSize(); i++) { Particles.instance().getEntityEmitter().emitDiggingParticles(this, UBlocks.normal_cloud.getDefaultState()); } playHurtSound(DamageSource.GENERIC); } @Override public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource source, float amount) { Entity attacker = source.getImmediateSource(); if (attacker instanceof EntityPlayer) { return onAttackByPlayer(source, amount, (EntityPlayer)attacker); } return source == DamageSource.IN_WALL || super.attackEntityFrom(source, amount); } private void placeBlock(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack, EnumHand hand) { if (!world.isRemote || !(player instanceof EntityPlayerSP)) { return; } Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); double distance = mc.playerController.getBlockReachDistance(); float ticks = mc.getRenderPartialTicks(); Vec3d eye = player.getPositionEyes(ticks); Vec3d look = player.getLook(ticks); Vec3d ray = eye.add(look.x * distance, look.y * distance, look.z * distance); AxisAlignedBB bounds = getEntityBoundingBox(); float s = 0.5F; RayTraceResult trace = bounds .contract(0, s, 0).contract(0, -s, 0) .calculateIntercept(eye, ray); if (trace == null) { return; } EnumFacing direction = trace.sideHit; BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(trace.hitVec); mc.objectMouseOver = new RayTraceResult(trace.hitVec, direction, blockPos); int oldCount = stack.getCount(); EnumActionResult result = mc.playerController.processRightClickBlock(((EntityPlayerSP)player), (WorldClient), blockPos, direction, trace.hitVec, hand); if (result == EnumActionResult.SUCCESS) { player.swingArm(hand); if (!stack.isEmpty() && (stack.getCount() != oldCount || mc.playerController.isInCreativeMode())) { mc.entityRenderer.itemRenderer.resetEquippedProgress(hand); } } } private boolean onAttackByPlayer(DamageSource source, float amount, EntityPlayer player) { ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItemMainhand(); boolean canFly = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantments(stack).containsKey(Enchantments.FEATHER_FALLING) || Predicates.INTERACT_WITH_CLOUDS.test(player); boolean stat = getStationary(); if (stat || canFly) { if (!isBurning()) { for (int i = 0; i < 50 * getCloudSize(); i++) { Particles.instance().getEntityEmitter().emitDiggingParticles(this, UBlocks.normal_cloud.getDefaultState()); } } if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemSword) { return super.attackEntityFrom(source, amount); } else if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemSpade) { return super.attackEntityFrom(source, amount * 1.5f); } else if (canFly) { if (player.posY < posY || !world.isAirBlock(getPosition())) { targetAltitude = posY + 5; } else if (player.posY > posY) { targetAltitude = posY - 5; } } } return false; } @Override public void onDeath(DamageSource s) { if (s == DamageSource.GENERIC || (s.getTrueSource() != null && s.getTrueSource() instanceof EntityPlayer)) { setDead(); } super.onDeath(s); clearItemFloatingState(); } @Override public void setDead() { super.setDead(); clearItemFloatingState(); } @FUF(reason = "There is no TickEvent.EntityTickEvent. Waiting on mixins...") protected void clearItemFloatingState() { AxisAlignedBB bounds = getEntityBoundingBox().grow(1 / (1 + getCloudSize())).grow(5); for (Entity i : world.getEntitiesInAABBexcluding(this, bounds, this::entityIsFloatingItem)) { i.setNoGravity(false); } } private boolean entityIsFloatingItem(Entity e) { return e instanceof EntityItem && Predicates.ITEM_INTERACT_WITH_CLOUDS.test((EntityItem)e); } @Override protected void dropFewItems(boolean hitByPlayer, int looting) { if (hitByPlayer) { Item item = getDropItem(); int amount = 13 + world.rand.nextInt(3); dropItem(item, amount * (1 + looting)); if (world.rand.nextBoolean()) { dropItem(UItems.dew_drop, 3 + looting); } } } @Override public EntityItem entityDropItem(ItemStack stack, float offsetY) { EntityItem item = super.entityDropItem(stack, offsetY); PlayerSpeciesList.instance().getEntity(item).setPlayerSpecies(Race.PEGASUS); item.setNoGravity(true); item.motionY = 0; return item; } @Override public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.readEntityFromNBT(tag); setRainTimer(tag.getInteger("RainTimer")); setIsThundering(tag.getBoolean("IsThundering")); setCloudSize(tag.getByte("CloudSize")); setStationary(tag.getBoolean("IsStationary")); } @Override public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.writeEntityToNBT(tag); tag.setInteger("RainTimer", getRainTimer()); tag.setBoolean("IsThundering", getIsThundering()); tag.setByte("CloudSize", (byte)getCloudSize()); tag.setBoolean("IsStationary", getStationary()); } protected boolean applyGravityCompensation(Entity entity) { int floatStrength = getFloatStrength(entity); if (!isRidingOrBeingRiddenBy(entity) && floatStrength > 0) { double boundModifier = entity.fallDistance > 80 ? 80 : MathHelper.floor(entity.fallDistance * 10) / 10; entity.onGround = true; entity.motionY += (((floatStrength > 2 ? 1 : floatStrength/2) * 0.699999998079071D) - entity.motionY + boundModifier * 0.7) * 0.10000000149011612D; if (!getStationary()) { entity.motionX += ((motionX - entity.motionX) / getCloudSize()) - 0.002F; } if (!getStationary() && entity.motionY > 0.4 && world.rand.nextInt(900) == 0) { spawnThunderbolt(getPosition()); } // @FUF(reason = "There is no TickEvents.EntityTickEvent. Waiting on mixins...") if (getStationary() && entity instanceof EntityItem) { entity.motionX /= 8; entity.motionZ /= 8; entity.motionY /= 16; entity.setNoGravity(true); } return true; } return false; } @Override public void move(MoverType type, double x, double y, double z) { setEntityBoundingBox(getEntityBoundingBox().offset(x, y, z)); resetPositionToBB(); } public int getFloatStrength(Entity entity) { if (Predicates.ENTITY_INTERACT_WITH_CLOUDS.test(entity)) { return 3; } if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { return getFeatherEnchantStrength((EntityPlayer)entity); } return 0; } public static int getFeatherEnchantStrength(EntityPlayer player) { for (ItemStack stack : player.getArmorInventoryList()) { if (stack != null) { Map enchantments = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantments(stack); if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantments.FEATHER_FALLING)) { return (Integer)enchantments.get(Enchantments.FEATHER_FALLING); } } } return 0; } private boolean canRainHere() { return world.getBiome(new BlockPos(posX, posY, posZ)).canRain(); } private boolean canSnowHere(BlockPos pos) { return world.getBiome(pos).getTemperature(pos) <= 0.15f; } public void spawnThunderbolt() { spawnThunderbolt(getGroundPosition(posX, posZ)); } public void spawnThunderbolt(BlockPos pos) { world.addWeatherEffect(new EntityLightningBolt(world, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), false)); } private BlockPos getGroundPosition(double x, double z) { BlockPos pos = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(new BlockPos(x, posY, z)); if (pos.getY() >= posY) { while (world.isValid(pos)) { pos = pos.down(); if (world.getBlockState(pos).isSideSolid(world, pos, EnumFacing.UP)) { return pos.up(); } } } return pos; } public int getRainTimer() { return dataManager.get(RAINTIMER); } public int setRainTimer(int val) { val = Math.max(0, val); dataManager.set(RAINTIMER, val); return val; } private void setRaining() { setRainTimer(700 + rand.nextInt(20)); } public void setIsRaining(boolean val) { if (val) { setRaining(); } else { setRainTimer(0); } } public boolean getIsRaining() { return getRainTimer() > 0; } public boolean getIsThundering() { return dataManager.get(THUNDERING); } public void setIsThundering(boolean val) { dataManager.set(THUNDERING, val); } public boolean getStationary() { return dataManager.get(STATIONARY); } public void setStationary(boolean val) { dataManager.set(STATIONARY, val); } public boolean getOpaque() { return false; } public int getCloudSize() { int size = dataManager.get(SCALE); updateSize(size); return size; } private void updateSize(int scale) { setSize((float)baseWidth * scale, (float)baseHeight * scale); } @Override protected void setSize(float width, float height) { if (width != this.width || height != this.height) { super.setSize(width, height); setPosition(posX, posY, posZ); } } public void setCloudSize(int val) { val = Math.max(1, val); updateSize(val); dataManager.set(SCALE, val); } }