package com.minelittlepony.unicopia.ability; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.Race; import; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.entity.player.Pony; import; import; import com.minelittlepony.unicopia.util.NbtSerialisable; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag; import net.minecraft.util.Identifier; import net.minecraft.util.Tickable; public class AbilityDispatcher implements Tickable, NbtSerialisable { private final Pony player; private final Map stats = new EnumMap<>(AbilitySlot.class); @Nullable private Race prevRace; private long maxPage; public AbilityDispatcher(Pony player) { this.player = player; } public void clear(AbilitySlot slot) { Stat stat = getStat(slot); if (stat.canSwitchStates()) { stat.setActiveAbility(null); } } public void activate(AbilitySlot slot, long page) { Stat stat = getStat(slot); if (stat.canSwitchStates()) { stat.getAbility(page).ifPresent(stat::setActiveAbility); } } public Collection getStats() { return stats.values(); } public Stat getStat(AbilitySlot slot) { return stats.computeIfAbsent(slot, Stat::new); } public long getMaxPage() { if (prevRace != player.getSpecies()) { prevRace = player.getSpecies(); maxPage = Math.max(0, stats.values().stream().mapToLong(Stat::getMaxPage).reduce(0, Math::max) - 1); } return maxPage; } @Override public void tick() { stats.values().forEach(Stat::tick); } @Override public void toNBT(CompoundTag compound) { if (compound.contains("stats")) { stats.clear(); CompoundTag li = compound.getCompound("stats"); li.getKeys().forEach(key -> { getStat(AbilitySlot.valueOf(key)).fromNBT(li.getCompound(key)); }); } } @Override public void fromNBT(CompoundTag compound) { CompoundTag li = new CompoundTag(); stats.forEach((key, value) -> li.put(, value.toNBT())); compound.put("stats", li); } public class Stat implements NbtSerialisable { /** * Ticks of warmup before an ability is triggered. */ private int warmup; private int maxWarmup; /** * Ticks of cooldown after an ability has been triggered. */ private int cooldown; private int maxCooldown; public final AbilitySlot slot; /** * True once the current ability has been triggered. */ private boolean triggered; private Optional> activeAbility = Optional.empty(); private Stat(AbilitySlot slot) { this.slot = slot; } /** * Returns true if the current ability can we swapped out. */ boolean canSwitchStates() { return !activeAbility.isPresent() || (warmup != 0) || (triggered && cooldown == 0); } public int getRemainingCooldown() { return cooldown; } public float getFillProgress() { float cooldown = getWarmup(); if (cooldown <= 0 || cooldown >= 1) { return getCooldown(); } return 1 - cooldown; } public float getCooldown() { return maxCooldown <= 0 ? 0 : ((float)cooldown / (float)maxCooldown); } public void setCooldown(int value) { cooldown = value; maxCooldown = value; } public float getWarmup() { return maxWarmup <= 0 ? 0 : ((float)warmup / (float)maxWarmup); } public double getCost(long page) { if (warmup <= 0) { return 0; } return getAbility(page).map(ability -> ability.getCostEstimate(player)).orElse(0D); } public void setWarmup(int value) { maxWarmup = value; warmup = value; } public void tick() { getActiveAbility().ifPresent(this::activate); } private void activate(Ability ability) { if (warmup > 0) { warmup--; ability.preApply(player, slot); return; } if (cooldown > 0 && cooldown-- > 0) { ability.postApply(player, slot); if (cooldown <= 0) { setActiveAbility(null); } return; } if (triggered) { return; } if (ability.canActivate(player.getWorld(), player)) { triggered = true; setCooldown(ability.getCooldownTime(player)); if (player.isClientPlayer()) { T data = ability.tryActivate(player); if (data != null) { Channel.CLIENT_PLAYER_ABILITY.send(new MsgPlayerAbility<>(ability, data)); } else { setCooldown(0); } } } if (cooldown <= 0) { setActiveAbility(null); } } public Optional> getAbility(long page) { Race race = player.getSpecies(); return Abilities.BY_SLOT.computeIfAbsent(slot, c -> Collections.emptySet()) .stream() .filter(a -> a.canUse(race)) .skip(page) .findFirst(); } public long getMaxPage() { Race race = player.getSpecies(); return Abilities.BY_SLOT.computeIfAbsent(slot, c -> Collections.emptySet()) .stream() .filter(a -> a.canUse(race)) .count(); } protected synchronized void setActiveAbility(Ability power) { if (activeAbility.orElse(null) != power) { triggered = false; activeAbility = Optional.ofNullable(power); setWarmup( -> p.getWarmupTime(player)).orElse(0)); setCooldown(0); } } protected synchronized Optional> getActiveAbility() { return activeAbility.filter(ability -> { return (!(ability == null || (triggered && warmup == 0 && cooldown == 0)) && ability.canUse(player.getSpecies())); }); } @Override public void toNBT(CompoundTag compound) { compound.putInt("warmup", warmup); compound.putInt("cooldown", cooldown); compound.putInt("maxWarmup", maxWarmup); compound.putInt("maxCooldown", maxCooldown); compound.putBoolean("triggered", triggered); getActiveAbility().ifPresent(ability -> { compound.putString("activeAbility", Abilities.REGISTRY.getId(ability).toString()); }); } @Override public void fromNBT(CompoundTag compound) { warmup = compound.getInt("warmup"); cooldown = compound.getInt("cooldown"); maxWarmup = compound.getInt("maxWarmup"); maxCooldown = compound.getInt("maxCooldown"); triggered = compound.getBoolean("triggered"); activeAbility = Abilities.REGISTRY.getOrEmpty(new Identifier(compound.getString("activeAbility"))); } } }